22| Ash VS Hau, Rematch! The First Round Begins!

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Hey guys, I'm gonna be quick today as I've got a lot of time but thanks for all the support, I'm really happy that we've finally passed 400 VOTES! Man, you guys are awesome while here I am listening to a lame Kamen Rider song.

Hey,  this song's actually not too bad, great even. What's it called?

Hmm? Oh it's called 'Last Engage'. Anyways, I'm here to tell you that there will be no chapters next week because I'm going to be busy visiting friends and family, so yeah, sorry. Anyway, I'm not going to hold you back any longer so cya!


Hmm... Oh hey, wait for me!

-Anonymous Wolf


"Are you all excited?" Ash asked as he looked at his friends.


"Of course!"

"Yes, I am."

"Yeah me too," Ash said as he ate another bite of his food. The quartet was sitting in the Pokémon Center Cafeteria, eating breakfast.

"We've trained hard for this," Lillie said.

Dawn nodded as she gave a Pokebean to Piplup. "Yeah, and I know we'll do great!"

"So, who do you think we are going to battle?" Ash asked.

Dawn shrugged. "I don't know, but I hope we don't have to battle each other in the first round."

Hau nodded. "Yeah. But if we do, then I'm still gonna give it my all!"

Lillie grinned slightly. "I'm sure that all of us think the same."

"I'm done!" Ash said.

"Me too," Lillie said. Dawn and Hau soon followed their example.

"Well, should we leave now?" Ash asked.

"Yeah," Lillie said.

"Come on then! I can't wait any longer!" Hau said as he quickly went to leave the cafeteria, only for Dawn to grab his collar and stop him.

"We know you're excited but we should go together," Dawn said.

Lillie giggled. "Well, come on then. No need to wait any longer."

"Yeah," Ash said. "Come on!"


When Ash and the others arrived, they found that Lana and Mallow were already there, along with three other contestants, one of them Ash recognized as Nate.

Mallow and Lana were standing next to the stage/battlefield talking. Next to them were a board covered by a blanket and a table with a blue box and a few other things.

Nate was standing quietly and observing the other contestants, who were talking with each other.

"Looks like Mallow and Lana are still making preparations," Lillie observed.

"I wonder when it's going to start. I can't wait any longer!" Hau said.

"Probably soon," Dawn mused. "Besides we still need to wait for the other person. Zayn, if I'm not mistaken."

"Yeah," Ash nodded. "From what I've seen he uses Dragon-type Pokémon."

Dawn raised an eyebrow. "Dragon-type huh? Then Lillie's probably the worst person he could face here."

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