"What are you doing?" the blonde looks up at me as I gently move her onto my chest. 

"I want to hold you," I say softly, feeling Danielle's tiny nose pressing up against my chest. The blonde drapes her arm onto my chest.

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Stefania's POV

"Stefania!" Danielle yells angrily from the other room. 

"Yes?" she peaks her head in through the doorway as Danielle throws a shoe towards the wall. 

"I told you to stop putting my shoes on the floor, I can't reach them."

"I can get them for you," I rush over, attempting to pick up the shoes that were resting in front of her. 

"Stop, just stop," the blonde yells angrily. 

"What do you want me to do then, il mio amore?" I walk forward, resting my hand on her arm before she shakes it off of it. 

"I want you to leave."

"I can do that," I say softly, I was hoping to spend the day with my beautiful girlfriend. Obviously, plans have changed, the hormones are back, and are already kicking me out of the house. I grab the keys to my car and a blue Adidas jacket from the rack.

I unlock the car door, sitting there with the window rolled down, and start the car before pulling out of the narrow driveway. I drive through the city of Los Angeles, not knowing where I'm going, just driving. I slowly begin to make my mind up with what I want to do with my day off and nowhere to go. The only place I could think of, the mall.

I make my way down the halls of the large, open mall, picking between the different stores. I make my way into a store that sells primarily baby stuff. I pick out a lot of things, a pregnancy pillow, cremes, and candles, that are supposed to help with the hormones.

I make my way out of the mall after a long day and many stores later. I put the bags in the backseat, hoping that everything I had just spent a fortune on would actually work. I sit in the car for a couple of minutes before actually deciding what I should do next.

I pull into the driveway after hours of being out of the house, hoping that Danielle's hormones have calmed down or that the Chick-fil-A in the passenger's seat will. I slowly get out of the car, I set the bag of fast food onto the roof of the car. 

I make my way to the door with both hands full, managing to open the door. I look around the living room as I set the bags on the coffee table. I make my room to our bedroom, spotting the blonde curled up on her side of the bed, rubbing her stomach while playing on her phone.

"Hey," I whisper while setting the fast food on the dresser on my way over to her. She attempts to sit up, needing my help along the way. 

"I'm sorry," she spoke softly, resting her hand on my cheek as I sat down next to her.

"It's okay," I smile up at her as we press our foreheads together, "I know it wasn't you, and it gave me time to buy some stuff while you cooled off." The blonde leans back from my face, looking around me at the bag of Chick-fil-A. 

"Is that?" she asked while pressing her lips against mine. 

"Yeah," I laugh as the blonde hurries up to grab the bag, making her way towards the kitchen with Jeff not far behind. 

"How about while you eat I show you some of the stuff I got you?" the younger woman nods as she makes her way towards the living room with the bag and a glass of tea from the fridge. "So I'm hoping this stuff actually works," I laugh as I put the bags in front of her. 

I gently pull out the bow with the pregnancy pillow, setting it down on the couch before running to the kitchen to get scissors. I make my way back to find the woman looking through the bags while shoveling fries down her throat, which only she can make attractive.

"You got me chocolate?" Danielle puckers her bottom lip out as she sits on her knees on the floor with the chocolate in her hands. 

"I always get you chocolate," I laugh while taking a seat next to her, pulling her face towards mine.

"Candles?" she looks at me confused while holding two different 3 wicked candles. 

"They are supposed to help with your hormones, and that creme," I look into the bottom of all the bags, finally finding it, letting her smell it.

"Oh?" she brings it back up to her face with a grin, "what does this do?" she rests the candles on the coffee table as she pulls out another bag without a label. 

"Oh! This is supposed to help you regulate your body temperature while sleeping," I look around the box trying to find the name but failing terribly.

"So maybe we can cuddle and I won't have to worried about being kicked out of the bed for holding my girls," I watch a smile form on her face as I mention girls while talking about holding her and the baby growing inside of her. 

"Girls?" her smile gets bigger the more she waits for me to speak. 

"It's just a guess," I smile widely at the blonde, I feel her hand move from my knee to my face as she pulls me in for a long passionate kiss, Jeff jumps up between us, pressing her nose against Danielle's growing belly as the baby kicks. I rest my hand on Danielle and the other on Jeff as she continues to lay there with her paws on my legs.

"My girls,"


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