she wrapped her arms around me, opening her mouth as we stumbled back my legs hitting the bed almost causing me to fall. my hands going back to her hips to steady her. the action caused her to pull away, a small laugh into my mouth vibrating there.

"say it again," I begged feeling myself weaken before her.

she looked at me, eyes softening, "I love you,"

and I couldn't help to smile like an idiot probably embarrassing myself over the simple words.

"I fucking love you, Rosie,"

she smiled so sweetly. biting her lip the smallest bit, dimple on display trying to downplay the way her features wanted to break out into a huge grin. eyes squinting, freckles showing on pink cheeks.

"I love you so fucking much," I muttered again as if this time I was admitting it wholeheartedly to myself. I knew I loved her but saying it aloud made it stick.

she lifted up on her toes bringing me down for another kiss. without breaking I sat down pulling her to be straddling my lap. her hands in my hair, thumbs over my cheekbones. I let my hands travel up her sides and back down her thighs.

I couldn't quite describe how happy I was at that moment. both of us laughing into our kisses, each broken with bumps of our noses, caresses of hands. rosie's arms soon locked around my neck both of us so close, breathing into a kiss I felt all the way to my bones.

in moments we broke apart and she was tugging at my shirt. I pulled it off and her cool hand tracked down my hot skin. fingers soft over my bruises, over my tattoos. she looked up from under her lashes softly letting her hands fall to the edge of her dress.

slowly she began to lift the fabric over her head and I felt my heart begin to race out of my chest as her dress fell to the floor.

I watched as she took in a breath biting her lip as she waited for my reaction. all I could muster was, "you're so fucking perfect,"

I watched as her cheeks grew red, hand hovering over her stomach, I softly pushed it away. holding her by her sides I brushed my thumbs over her skin that was dusted with an array of beauty marks.

"Harry?" she asked hands brushing back more of my curls.

"Rosie?" I asked her eyes pouring into mine, soft and brown.

"i-i think I'm ready," she whispered hands twisting nervously in front of her.

holy fuck

"I want you to be my first," she whispered body trembling under my touch. I felt as if I had gone numb, blinking back at her. "I want to love you in all ways possible, I want you," she continued and all I could do was watch her as her chest began to turn pink.

"a-are you s-sure?" the words embarrassing as they left my mouth. I had to swallow to even think about more words. "seriously Rosie I don't want you to regret anything, and it might hurt and I don't want to hurt you,"

"I want to and I don't care," and when I still looked at her questionably she shook her head before letting out a big breath. "harry I want to have sex with you,"

"Rosie I'd fucking love to have sex with you but I want you to be one hundred per-"

"I am," she cut me off, "you're truly the only person I could ever imagine doing this with, the only person I want or would let. harry I love you,"

"I love you," the words so right. "but I want you to be sure, I want you to tell me if you want to stop at any time. don't you dare care about me, this is about you not me okay?"

Rosie || h.s.Where stories live. Discover now