The twins learning about quidditch

Start from the beginning

Lizzie: Don't start yet.

All four of them turned to me. Both Wood and Flint was shocked to see me.Harry and (y/n) was happy to see me.

Flint: Professor P what are you doing here?

Lizzie: to watch the Potter twins learn quidditch. Plus take pictures. I need to get the future best players like their Aunt and father.

Flint smirked and opened up the trunk.

(y/n): do you know anything about quidditch?

Lizzie: yep there is one keeper, three chasers, two beaters, and one seeker. Harry is just going to be a seeker. While (y/n) is going to be both a seeker and chaser, but we will have to see if she will play the games since there is already three chasers and a seeker for Slytherin House. She will be for back up if one of the chasers or the seeker gets sick or injured before a game. There are three types of balls, but I will let your captains go from there.

Wood takes out the quaffle and cleared his throat.

Woods: umm yes thank you Professor P. Now this is a quaffle. The three chasers would take this ball and try to throw it in 3 hoops to win points. The keeper which is what I am protect the hoops.

Harry: okay what are those.

Harry pointed to a bludger. Wood grabbed a beaters bat and hand one to Harry after putting the quaffle away. I took a picture of Harry holding the bat.

Lizzie: you two will need that.

Harry takes a hold of it. Wood released the ball and it went up into the air.

Wood: watch out it's coming back.

Harry got in a good stance. I ready my camera and took a picture of Harry hitting the bludger.

Wood: well done. You would make a great beater.

Flint: Let the other Potter try.

Harry handed (y/n) the bat. She got ready when she heard it coming. When I got the camera ready again. The Bludger appeared. I took a picture of (y/n) hitting it as well. They would both make great beaters. (y/n) handed the bat to Flint. When the bludger came back Wood caught it. He then placed it back in its cage.

Wood: you two will have to worry more about this.

Wood took out the golden snitch.

(y/n): what is that?

Flint: the golden snitch

Harry: I like this ball.

Wood: you like it now. Just wait it's very fast and difficult to see.

I took a picture of Harry and (y/n) looking at the snitch. Harry let go of it. Both Wood and Flint was looking for it. While Harry, (y/n), and I were looking at the snitch. Before it flew off I caught it. I handed it back to Wood. Wood and flint told the twins when practice is going to be. I look to were Salazar was at. I went over to him.

Lizzie: go hang with tht girlfriend of yours I will see you later. I still need to meet her.

Salazar nods his head. I placed a kissed on his head and he slitthered to the dark forest. I walked back to Harry and (y/n). Both Wood and Flint left. I looked at both of the twins.

(y/n): you used to play quidditch.

Harry: both you and James got an award for being best seekers.

I laughed and placed the strap of my camera around my neck.

Lizzie: yeah I did. Also James is your guys father's name. James and I had our houses neck to neck to win the quidditch cup a couple of times. Got injured once for a move that your guys father and I used to do when we were kids.

Harry and (y/n) nods their heads. Then they both went back to Hogwarts to go hang with their friends. I heard (y/n) met a new friend his/her name was (f/n) I will need to take a picture of them together for (y/n)'s photo album Hagrid and I are making for them. Speaking of Hagrid I went over to his hut. When I got there I knocked on the door. After a few seconds Hagrid opened up the door.

Hagrid: Ah Lizzie how are you?

Lizzie: I'm good just got done watching and taking pictures of Harry and (y/n) learning about quidditch.

Hagrid nods his head. He then let me in I sat on his couch and set my camera on the stop next to me. Hagrid came over and sat in his chair.

Hagrid: so how has it been being a teacher and councilor here?

Lizzie: it is fine. I had some students in my class this week. Plus sadly some people are getting stressed already from homework and stuff so I will help them with that even if it isn't my job to be a tutor, but I don't mind.

Hagrid: main question how is it like seeing Severus again?

Lizzie: It was weird at first, but Severus has been trying to talk to me shortly.

I remember some times me and Sev would have little grading dates if you think about it.

-rewind to tuesday September 17-

I was sitting in the teacher's lounge grading some papers waiting for Sev. I was about to turn the parchment when the door opened. I looked up and there was the man I was waiting for. I smiled up at him. He sat in front of me. He set his students papers and took out his quill and ink jar. I went back to grading. I haven't noticed I play with the locket until I heard.

Severus: you still have that?

I looked u at Sev then at the locket in my hand. I blushed a bit and set it down.

Lizzie: of course it hold two pictures of two boys I fell in love with. I am still in love with them. Even if they are on a bad side.

I looked at Severus and saw he was blushing a bit. He cleared his throat and went to grading. I noticed that he was a very toughed teacher. I sighed and went back to grading. I placed my left hand on the table. As I was grading I felt something hold my hand. I looked up at my hand and saw Severus holding my hand. I smiled and lightly squeezed his hand. He let out a sigh and both just graded the student's papers while holding on to each other hands.

-back to the present-

I told Hagrid about it and he smiled. When it was time for dinner we both walked to the school, but I had to stop and place Salazar on my shoulders. He made sure he was safe on my and we began to walk to the school. I heard a small hiss and I look down there was another boa. I looked at Hagrid and he stopped to look at it.

Salazar: Lizzie this is Luna. Luna this is Lizzie the woman I wanted you to meet.

I smiled and leaned down to her hight.

Lizzie: it is a pleasure to meet you.

Luna: wait you weren't kidding that she can speak parseltounge.

I smiled and nodded my head.

Lizzie: do you want to join us. I was about to head into Hogwart's great hall for a meal. Salazar can show you to my bedroom.

Luna nods her head. I got up and all four of us headed to the great hall. Before we walked in I set Salazar down. Hagrid went in before us. I smiled and I walked in with Luna and Salazar slithering on both sides of me. Let's just say all the students freaked when they saw two giant snakes next to me while I walked to the professor's table. During dinner I set two plates both with a giant leg of a pig for both Luna and Salazar to eat. After dinner all three of us went to my bedroom. Salazar and Luna went into the heating corner and cuddled in a giant ball pile under the lamp. I smiled and took a picture of them. I then got ready to bed. Maybe this year won't be as bad. I finally have students in my art classes. I am teaching them about cameras. Some of the students are happy that they will be learning how to use a magical camera. I made sure I had enough for all my students. Now it is time for bed. I set my camera down plus my wand on my bed side table. I blew out the candle and went under my covers. I then fell asleep and dreamed about my hogwart years while dating both Lucius and Severus. The best years of my life.

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