FROZEN- 20........and 21

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A/N: :_( I cried so hard writing this chapter :( I feel so awfull!!

Anyway, read on to understand my pain :( sorry if it's short but the suspense was necessary!!

Enjoy! I guess :( try not to cry

And yeah I have to merge cause 21 is too short but needed as well


'You didn't have to cut me off' Teni was singing with the headphones on, dancing and jumping on the bed as I lay lazily on the carpet, my laptop next to me.

It had been a couple of days since we visited Smurf and he'd given me the breakdown of my life story but it had been quiet on Will's side.

Vera was flipping through a magazine on the bean bag in the corner of the room, her newly polished toe nails in front of the A.C vents so they could dry faster. We'd gone through everything and had written all the possible figures Andrea could've used as the password and security code.

When we'd gone halfway, I'd suggested we order pizza and it's been pretty lazy Ville since then. I yawned as Vera turned another page of her magazine as Teni continued to wiggle her hips, yelling out the words of the song. We were très bored. Vera sighed and dropped her magazine, examining her toes

'Shouldn't we like, be doing something productive?' she said in a "whatever" kind of tone

'We have,' I said defensively then smiled sheepishly at her 'We were'.

Teni finally (FINALLY!) stopped singing and sat cross legged on her bed and took the headphones off

'I don't get one thing,' she said, flipping through her I-pod 'how does Smurf know where the jewels are?'

'He was there when she hid it. He didn't see the jewels but he knew she hid something precious there' Vera shrugged and opened the magazine again, flipping through it carelessly

'So wait, the warehouse in Portland was just a guess?' I asked, looking up from my laptop

'Not exactly... out of a hundred percent, I'd say about sixty?' she shrugged, not making eye contact. Teni and I looked at each other then back at Vera

'You're saying that we're going to travel all the way to Portland out of a sixty percent guess?'

'I'm sure Smurf knows what he's talking about' Vera said

'Is he coming here at all to discuss how we'll get to Portland?' Teni asked, lowering her voice so her mother won't overhear

'No, he's got all that sorted. You know we still need to know what the password is and there's convincing your mom,' she looked at Teni 'that she should allow you go to Portland with us'

'I hadn't thought about that... what excuse are we going to give her?' I said, looking at Teni.

We were quiet for some time, me and Teni deep in thought while flipped through the magazine, unconcerned

'We could tell her the truth' Teni said with a shrug and Vera looked up, her eyes mocking

'Yeah, and pigs fly. She'd never understand and then she'd ground the both of you for coming up with something so ridiculous,' Vera said sitting up 'and tell her what? "So mom, Sierra's real mom was Andrea Stone, the famous actor and her ex, ex husband is after Sierra because of some sacred jewels he wants and Sierra's real name is Ivy? I don't think so' she said standing up. She walked to the fridge and pulled out a soda

'She has a point,' I said, hugging my knees 'What if we all went there on, like, a vacation or something. We could convince your mom that this is what was best for all of us... to get us away from a familiar environment' I said with sudden excitement

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