FROZEN- 4 and 5

285 11 3

A/N: Okay both 4 and 5 are both sshort so I thought I'd merge them! Don't blame me, on word, it's always a lot longer! Any way enjoy :D


I've always hated hospitals.

Ever since I watched mom give birth to the twins then fainted because of all that blood.

Obviously, dad and mom didn't know why exactly I'd fainted. Naturally, blood makes me feel light-headed and nauseated which is why when dad and I had been looking at career courses together one afternoon and he'd suggested I become a doctor, I looked at him like he'd just said I should just go ahead and become a fashion designer.

This being because I suck at drawing. I didn't need any proof for that. No matter how hard I try, I always get no more than a C- when everyone in my class bagged A's and A*'s. Actually, I'd have gotten an F if I hadn't been good friends with our art teacher. I always shared my snacks with her and she always brought me bubble gum and baked a different sort of recipe every week. Anyways, when we'd been filling out forms for the subjects we wanted to do the next year in tenth grade, art was the first subject I voted out.

Good riddance!

Of course, this meant that Miss Pea and I would see not that much of each other but we still hang out during breaks when I'm not too busy with my friends or my ex-bf, I liked taking treats I'd practiced at home for her to try out. She always made a funny face before quickly saying it was good. Who knows, maybe I'd turn out to be a really good chef. Not!

So, blood freaks me out and that's why I can't stand hospitals. Even when I end up there which is as low as once every three years, I stay as far from blood as I possibly can.

Mom was pacing impatiently up and down near the emergency door, stopping every now and then to ask what was going on when a nurse wanted to go in or come out of the emergency room.

They mainly ignored us. Teni was next to me, her hands grasping mine firmly, her free hand shaking slightly. Me, I wasn't so sure how I ended up here.

All I can remember was the landline. It rang loudly, echoing throughout the house, a familiar ringtone of mom's.

I could practically hum it in my sleep.

She'd picked it up, hoping it was my dad. I watched her expression as it had changed from worry to shock to nothing in particular. She'd dropped the mobile abruptly, hands flying to her face as she sat slowly on the chair, still no expression on her face as Teni stooped slowly to pick the phone holding it carefully to her ear. Just like my mother, her expression changed to shock then to worry

'Is he alright?' she'd asked shakily into the cell. She listened for like five minutes then said

'Okay, we'll be right there. Then, she'd shut the phone, whispered something into my mom's ears who nodded, probably still in shock of whatever she'd heard then stood up and they'd both looked at me.

'We need to go to the hospital, Sierra, get up' mom had said, her voice sounded teary.

That's when I found myself, seated outside an emergency room in a hospital called Edenton (I have no idea what that means, Should that be a hospital's name?) with mum looking like she'd been trampled over and Teniola shaking uncontrollably. I still wasn't sure what was going on but I knew with atmosphere I was trapped in, it wasn't good.

Yet another nurse came out and looked solemnly at my mom. My mom, probably knowing what this already meant, fell to the floor chocked in huge sobs. Teniola finally released my hand and walked over to the nurse. They spoke in low tones but I could still pick out bits of what they were saying

FROZEN (COMPLETED) (NOT EDITED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz