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'You know I'll always love you right?' I heard someone say and my eyes shot open.

I was in a very dark room, the only light being the bulb hanging loosely above my head, swinging slowly back and forth.

I looked around the room desperately, searching for the voice.

That's when I spotted a bed in the corner. I couldn't see it clearly at first but I looked closer and gasped.

Mom and Dad sat on the bed, the faces drained of life and their eyes looked dry but happy

'Mom? Dad? Is that really you?' I asked uncertain as I edged closer to the bed. That's when I noticed one of the twins lying flat on the bed with them, his head on their laps and his curls scattered lifelessly.

My eyes filled with horror as he sat up and I couldn't really figure out which twin it was

'Ken? Taiwo?' I asked, tears filling my eyes. He didn't reply, just got off the bed and walked over to me.

I knelt before him and looked into his face.

I still couldn't tell which one he was.

All of a sudden, he wrapped his hands round my neck and I shivered because his skin was as cold as death and he murmured so silently, it was almost a whisper 'I love you Sierra.' I wrapped my hands round him and pulled him into a tight embrace.

After some time, he pulled back, kissed my forehead and joined my parents on the bed. I followed him closer

'What's going on guys?' I asked

'You have no idea how we wish we could be there with you and your younger brother' Mom said, smiling weakly as she pulled me closer to hug me. She too was cold as death

'Take care of your brother, Sierra. We're counting on you' Dad said hugging me

'What's happening? What are you all talking about?' I asked desperately

'Hold on to those you love' dad said

'We love you and we will always be with you in here' mom said pointing at my chest.

Suddenly there was smoke and my view was blurred. I felt a hand on my cheek once more and then nothing.

I sat there and sobbed my heart out.

The bulb that had been swinging delicately fell to the floor and smashed into millions of pieces

and I was plunged into darkness...


I sat up suddenly and rubbed furiously at my eyes.

Teni lay next to me, her breathing steady while mine felt like I'd just run three hundred meters nonstop.

I glanced at the time. It was seven thirty am and I crept out of bed, careful not to wake Teni.

I slipped out of the room and walked down the hall, towards the boy's room. I knew they'd be draped over each other, deep in sleep but I just wanted to make sure. I opened the door halfway and peered in.

Sure, I saw a head full of curls, two legs but that was it. Panic started rising within me as I entered carelessly.

That's when I heard muffled sniffs coming from the bathroom. I slowly edged my way to the bathroom and peeked in. Taiwo sat on the toilet seat, his head hung low, his blond curls hung loosely around his head

'Taiwo?' I asked closing the door behind me. He looked up, sighed then scooted over so I could sit with him

'Do you want to talk about it?' I asked

'Not really' he said. His eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying all night. I put an arm round him and pulled him close. He didn't refuse like he normally would, instead clutched my shirt and let the tears soak it

'I'm sorry' he said helplessly, pulling away and wiping his eyes

'It's okay' I chuckled and we both burst out laughing.

Taiwo and I have a special bond and we understand each other better than anyone else. Okay, maybe except the way the twins understand each other.

I hugged him again and wiped his eyes with toilet paper. When we walked out of the bathroom, Kenny sat up unsteadily on the bed and looked around. He saw us and his eyes flooded with relief

'How would you boys like to go to the arcade?' I said 'I still have my credit card' I said with a smile

'That'd be awesome!' they high fived each other

'Good. Get ready, we'll leave in...' I glanced at the clock 'a couple of hours' I stood from their double bed and walked to the door

'Sierra?' I heard Taiwo call and turned 'Yeah?'

'Thanks' he smiled at me and my heart went out to him.

I smiled and walked out of their room. I walked back down the corridor towards Teni's room and opened the door. She didn't stir so I crossed the room to the windows and pulled the shutters up

'Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey' I said in a bright cheery tone. Teni just groaned and pulled the covers over her head. I stood there, my hands on my hips, staring hopelessly at her

'Seriously?' I said walking over to the bed. I pulled the covers off her and she shivered. She groaned again and turning over, went back to sleep.

'That does it' I murmured to myself as I walked to the bathroom. I filled a bowl with ice cold water and walked back to the bed

'Get up Teniola' I said, holding the bowl over her

'Hmm,' she groaned again and kept on sleeping

'You asked for it' I said in an evil tone and dumped the contents of the bowl over her. She shrieked and jumped right off the bed, holding herself

'Sierra Reign, I am going to kill you myself' she said furiously. She walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

I'm not sure what she was doing in there but I wasn't about to find out. I edged towards the bedroom door just as she came out with a bucket of water and without wasting any time, flung every drop at me.

Now, I was wet head to toe, shivering like an idiot. I looked up at her and she was smirking

'Oh no you didn't just do that' I said walking towards her. She squealed and ran back into the bathroom, me trailing behind her. I was greeted with a fresh spray of water.

Teni was holding the nuzzle, aimed at me. I grabbed the one connected to the sink and aimed at her. We were shrieking loudly, spraying water at each other like shooting bullets from a gun.

This went on for about two minutes then Teni's mom burst into the bathroom

'What is going on here?' she asked, glancing at Teni and I, both with nuzzles in our hands. There was no way we could shimmy our way out of this one. Teni glanced at me and smiled, nodding her head in aunt Pebble's direction.

Wait; did she want us to splash water on aunt Pebble? I glanced at her mom and she was talking on and on about responsibility. I looked back at Teni and smiled.

On her cue, we aimed both our 'guns' at aunt Pebble and fired. She shrieked at how cold the water was and looked in horror at both of us. We both burst out laughing and high-fived each other

'Oh, you asked for it' aunt Pebble smirked and grabbed the bucket closest to her filled with water then she dumped all the contents of the bucket on Teni and I. We screamed at the sudden coldness and continued with our water fight, shouting all over the place. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I felt happy again

A/N: Just a sneak into the next chapter!! Something terrible is coming...and that is as far as I tell you :p

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