FROZEN- 15 and 16

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A/N: Yes, I'm merging 15 and 16 :( SUE MICROSOFT

Anyway...enjoy lads!! Sierra's about to find out something that changes the way she looks at her already (sadly) dead parents :( I feel so bad for her


'So, who owns the car?' Teni's mom asked as we entered the house. She'd been lying on the couch watching TV, at least staring at the TV. I joined her on the couch while Teni walked to the kitchen

'It's for Vera. Her dad is super rich and when I told him my birthday was next month, he said he wasn't going to be around at that time so he gave me an early birthday present' I'm sure if she bought the lie but she didn't ask any more questions

'Mom! Frosting! There's cake under it' Teni said walking into the room with the cake on a platter

'Yeah, about that. I baked it this morning after you girls left' she said, taking the cake from Teni. She put it on the stool next to her and cut out three slices

'Since when do you bake?' Teni asked collecting her slice from her mother. She bit into it and sat next to it. I ate some as well and it was surprisingly good for someone who doesn't bake usually

'Since your father sent me the divorce papers' She said sadly, looking at both of us. I glanced at Teni to see how she was taking this news. She shrugged and bit into her cake

'This is so good' she said cutting another slice of cake for herself. I could see she was trying to hold back her tears

'Teni, it is okay to be angry. Your father still loves you and it's me he is leaving not you' Aunt Pebble's voice sounded soothing. Teni scoffed and looked at her mother

'Mom, seriously, I'm okay. You don't have to give excuses for him. He left us, period' she said stuffing more cake into her mouth

I smiled at her and touched her hand gently 'well, if you keep eating cake,' I leaned in to whisper 'you'll be as big as your mom'

'I heard that! You think I'm fat?' Aunt Pebble said. Teni and I burst out laughing and glanced at her mom

'No, mom, I love you just the way you are' she said hugging her mom

'Come on Sierra, there's space for you' Aunt Pebble said as I joined in the group hug before pulling away

'I know you don't have any family apart from the twins but just know we'll always be here for you okay?' Aunt pebble said holding my chin and I could feel fresh tears well up but held them back as I nodded 'of course you have an auntie but she died of leukemia years ago' when she said that, I sat up alert as Teni raised an eyebrow

'Leukemia?' I practically croaked 'I know she died but I didn't know how she died'

'Yes, I do believe it was of leukemia. Anne, no that's not it, Anna? Adriana?' she scrunched up her nose in frustration

'Andrea?' Teni said in a whisper, looking in shock at me

'Yes, I believe that was it. Andrea Stone'


'Teni, I am officially scared' I said later that night when we were both lying in the dark around ten thirty pm. I was still in shock after finding out that everyone was right and that I was the one referred to in the vows. This scared me to my bones.

'Well, her being your aunt doesn't really help us does it? We still don't know the code' Teni said and I turned to face her

'My life is practically in danger and you are worrying about the stupid code? If Mr. Will finds out I'm his key, you might as well kiss me goodbye' I said in frustration, getting out of the bed. I turned on the lights and walked into the bathroom

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