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The noise blasted through my ears and I opened my eyes groggily. I am not really sure how I could hear the things going on downstairs seeing as these doors are supposed to be sound proof but after ten more frustrating seconds of trying to grab sleep that was pretty much long gone, I reached over for a hair ruffle on my bedside table.

That is when I noticed my alarm had been ringing for at least thirty minutes. I’m so not sure why I hadn’t heard it all that while because surely, it was loud enough to be heard by someone coming in from the main gate.


I turned it off, tied my hair into a ponytail and jammed my feet into my furry bunny slippers. I dragged myself lazily downstairs and followed the noise into the kitchen.

Mom was leaning against the fridge with a cup of coffee in her right hand, the other hand folded against her chest while dad was in an apron leaning against the cooker, a spatula in his hand and a mitten on the other holding a tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

He sniffed delicately at them, smiled and placed the tray on the table.

Since when did my father start baking cookies?

The only thing I recall him knowing how to do is toast and he burns that most of the time. Mother raised her brows at him and sipped her coffee.

They started yelling again and I realized they were having a go at each other which was eerie because they hardly ever fight.

When mom says something, dad usually just goes with it to avoid trouble. He’s never really answered back so you can tell how surprised I was to see them argue.

I was pretty sure it was over something stupid.

‘Because I thought and still think it is a cool, original and homey color’ mom was busy whining. I actually gasped because in the fifteen years I have spent with my mother in this house, I’ve never actually heard her whine before.

All she does is snap.

‘Yellow,’ dad said the color with disgust ‘is definitely not homey’

Now it was dad doing the snapping. This is really weird.

‘Yes it is’ mom frowned and scrunched up her nose as if irritated by the smell of his cookies

‘No it’s not’ dad said pointing his spatula at her. Flour flicked on her skirt and she rubbed at it furiously

‘Now look what you’ve done’ she said placing her coffee slightly on the coffee table in a corner next to the fridge and picked up a napkin

‘Don’t do that’ dad said ’you’ll just make it worse’ he said.

I looked at him and I could tell he was about to lose it. Whenever he wants to laugh and tries to hold it, the corners of his mouth sort of turn upwards and his nose kind of presses down. It really is a funny face but very rare as my father is a very serious man but he has his moments.

‘You think this is funny?’ she looked at him lividly

‘Well I’m not the one who decided to wear a suede dress to work. Do they even make dresses with materials like that?’ he burst out laughing.

Mom huffed but set the napkin back down and picked up her coffee again

‘Besides, it’s not so perceptible’’ he said still chuckling. Mom sulked and rolled her eyes.

FROZEN (COMPLETED) (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now