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Mom died two days after Taiwo was taken.

We'd been to the hospital the day before to see her and she looked fine. She was out of her coma and the stench hadn't been so bad.

She even smiled when Kenny and I came in. The sad thing was we didn't tell her about Taiwo being kidnapped. I couldn't bring myself to say anything about it.

When she asked, I'm not sure if she noticed my eyes glisten from threatening tears or the fake cherry tone I used to say it but I just lied and told her that he was at a birthday party and that Kenny and I would be on our way there after we leave the hospital.

I even went further as to say that he'd slept over in the person's house and that is why Kenny was here. I'm not sure if she believed me but she didn't ask any more questions about it.

While I was lying there to mum, Kenny just put his head down and in my mind, I willed him not to say anything about it or give anything away. Mom pulled him into her arms and ran her hands through his hair

'Everything alright sweetheart?' mom asked, not meeting my eye. It's like she could sense something was wrong and she just wanted us to be honest with her. Kenny didn't say anything, which was good because he would probably start crying so he just nodded his head, burying his face into mum's neck

'Don't worry. You and your brother should just be strong for your sister alright?' she said hugging him. She held out her second hand for me to join the embrace so I did. It felt so good to be hugging mum again and knowing there's still one of your parents around.

Neither did I know it would be the last time we ever hugged or spoke to her again. You can imagine the shock when the doctor called us to the hospital at five in the morning, telling us that she'd passed away twenty minutes earlier.

He also said that just before she died, she'd told him to tell us to be strong and never give up anything or anyone we love so much. For some reason, I felt that she was talking about Taiwo.

Even though mom and I never really got along so much, she was still my mother and it hurt pretty badly. Its funny how I so badly wanted to cry but nothing was coming out. It's like I was all cried out.

The doctor told us that the results for all the tests she did had come out and we should come to the hospital for him to explain the rest morning. Right now, Teni, Kenny and I were watching T.V while Teni's mom was on the phone arranging for the burial.

Teni and I weren't really watching the movie. We were busy listening to what Aunt Pebble was saying. At that point, the bell rang. I looked towards the door and glanced at Aunt Pebble

'Are you expecting anyone?' I asked. She looked up from the notepad in her hand and shook her head at me, also telling me to be quiet and get the door.

I stood from where I was sitting and walked towards the door.

When I opened the door, there stood a very pretty girl, around the age of nineteen or twenty. She had long carrot-colored hair pulled back into a ponytail and was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. She was using her phone and chewing a piece of bubblegum when I opened the door. She looked up and sighed with relief, as if she recognized me or something and shutting her phone, she tucked it into the pocket of her shorts

'Thank God, seriously, I thought I'd got the wrong house' she said, stepping into the house. I automatically stepped back and sized her up. I'd definitely seen her somewhere before. Her face was particularly familiar but I just couldn't place it.

'Maybe you have got the wrong house' I said, leaning against the wall, my arms across my chest

'No, no, I do not have the wrong house. It's you! I've knocked on every door on this street, looking for you and now I've found you' she sighed again. She was looking at me expectantly, as if willing me to remember her

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