"I'll silently sneak out to my room. By the time he comes upstairs I'll be dressed. He won't suspect anything."

"And what if he catches you upon sneaking out."

"He won't. Trust me he first gets a beer and listens to calls before coming to look for me."

"I hope your plan works. Otherwise we're going to have a lot of explaining to do. And you know how parents get. We tend to think their stupid but they were young once upon a time."

"You're stressing for nothing."

He gave me a quick kiss before leaving. I heard his dad knocking on his door. Oh I hope his in there.

"Dad. You're home early."

"Had to pick up some files for a meeting. How many times should I tell you to not run the shower water unnecessarily?"

"Oh no. Claire is taking a shower."

I got out and dressed.

"Claire how lovely to see you."

"Hi sir. How are you doing?"

"I'm good."

"That's good to hear."

"See you guys later. Oh and Xavier please don't do something stupid. Be safe if you know what I mean. No offense to you Claire but I know my son."

"Seriously dad. I'm responsible what are you talking about."

"I'm just saying. I was young once to you know and plus I'm a male I know how our heads work and how we think. And with a beautiful lady around it gets even more difficult."

"Geez dad thanks for that. What must Claire think? Well at least I know what you think of me."

"I'm sure I'm not the only parent that has had this speech with his/her child. Am I right Claire."

"You are sir."

"Oh and call me Derek please."

His dad left and he apologized for what his dad said. I didn't mind really it's not like it's something I've never heard before.

He had a shirt on when I went and made coffee. But when I got back he was shirtless.

"You can stop staring now."

"How do you know I was staring?"

"Because you haven't moved a muscle since you got into the room."


I put his coffee down on the night stand.

"I don't like that outfit?"

"Why not?"

"It covers to much."


"And I personally think my shirt will look better on you."


I walked over to his side of the bed and picked up the shirt. His eyes were on me the whole time.

"Stop staring."

"I'll try but I can't promise anything."

"You never seem to amaze me."

"It is what it is."

So we cuddled and watched movies. I was about to fall asleep when I got a text from my mom.

"I have to go."


"My mom wants to see me urgently."

"Is everything okay?"

"I don't know. I'll let you know as soon as I find out."

I drove to their house and saw them casually sitting on the porch.

"What's wrong your text sounded so serious?"

"Oh there's nothing wrong. We just need to tell you something that's all."

"Oh thank goodness."

"Darling we're moving to California."

"What? Why?"

"Caleb got a job there. But there's another problem."

"And that is?"

"You'll have to move with. The schools are great and you'll have loads of fun."


"The weekend."

"That's great news. I'll be happy to go."

"So no fight nothing?"

"No. I'm happy for you guys."

We wrapped things up and then it hit me. How am I gonna tell Xavier?

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