"So what did you do when you found them?" Rosalie asked, sitting on Tom's lap.

"Waited 'till morning an' then marched right in." He says with a shrug. Hagrid soon continues regaling them with his adventure.

"So... no giants are coming?" Fred questions.

"Well, not right away. We brought our message, an' I expect a fair few'll remember it afore the end comes."

Rosalie turns to Tom, a gleam in her eyes. Tom tilts his head understanding what she was thinking. 'The giants would never help Dumbledore, never.'

When they left, George, Fred, and Rosalie parted ways with Tom. Rosalie kissing his cheek in a goodnight fashion, George and Fred giving the two kissy faces. She punched both them hard that they fell to the floor.

"I'm still stronger then you guys." Rosalie says skipping away as Tom laughs softly at the twins whining forms.

The next day, Rosalie is in the library during DADA, she was serious about not going. While she was reading a shadow appeared in front of her. She looked up to find Neville with others behind him. Rosalie blinked. "Uh, hello?" She questions with a raised brow.

"Can you help us?" Neville asks. "None of us are going to pass DADA with Umbridge as the Professor."

"I know, that's why I'm teaching myself." Rosalie says. "Just teach yourself, we can't have groups remember." Rosalie points out.

"We can do it in secret." One boy points out.

Rosalie rolls her eyes. "If you guys are asking me because Granger and Weasley are trying to get me to join, then find someone else. I don't help them." Rosalie said, a firm cold tone lacing her words.

"It's not for them." Neville says firmly. "I came up with the idea." He whispers. Rosalie listened to his heart, hearing how it didn't speed up. He spoke the truth.

"Fine, I know a place, but you say nothing to Granger of Weasley." Rosalie growls.

"To late babe, guess we get to spend more time together, and get you away from that slimy snake." Rosalie heard Weasley speak. His voice grating on her nerves.

Rosalie blinks. Before turning around and looking at the boy. "You will not follow us, and you will not tell a soul about what we are doing." Rosalie compels, staring into the boys eyes.

"I will not follow you, and I will not tell a soul about what you are doing." Weasley says back his voice airy.

"Walk away." Rosalie orders. Weasley follows the order and turns away.

"How'd you do that!" Seamus exclaims, only for Madame Pince 'shh-ing' the boy quite loudly.

"You'll know soon." Rosalie says softly, before walking away. "Are you coming?" She asked.

Everyone was quick to follow. Surprisingly, no one had seen them, but then again when Hogwarts loves you, then she'll do anything for you, for a price. As they walked down the halls Rosalie's hand trailed the walls, a soft golden line going over the wall.

The group looked at it fascination as it would seep into the walls, some tried to do it, but nothing would happen. "Rosalie, does Hogwarts enjoy the power up?" Luna asked walking next to the older girl.

Rosalie smiled. "Yes, it's my way of thanking her in hiding us. She's keeping those who wish us harm away." She answered. Now on the seventh floor, Rosalie saw the door already there. Tom, George, and Fred waiting for them to go inside.

Rosalie strolls into the Room of Requirement; she turns looking at the assembled group. The door behind them disappearing.

"Hey, Rosalie, what is all this stuff?" Neville asks. Scattered around the room are many devices such as Dark Detectors and Sneakascopes.

"Loads of Defence Against the Dark Arts equipment. Hopefully, we'll be able to get to all of it before the end of term." She says.

"You need to understand something before we start, though. Defending yourself from the Dark Arts has less to do with magical ability and more to do with thinking fast and a lot of luck." Rosalie states. She sees everyone nodding ready to learn. "We'll be doing Expelliarmus tonight, though hopefully we can move on to other things if we have time."

"Oh please. Professor Lockhart taught us that in second year." A loudmouth boy says.

"Lockhart was a fake, he taught us nothing but things about himself, I can use this spell before you could tie your bloody shoes up. Now you either take my teaching and follow my lesson or you leave." Rosalie says her face blank of any emotion. "Right. Well let's spilt into pairs and give it a go."

Rosalie and Tom stroll among the students amid shouts of "Expelliarmus", checking everyone's progress. She soon reaches Neville and George, who are practicing together.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville calls out. George's wand flips from his hand and across the room. The room is silent.

"Well done Neville!" Rosalie cries clapping her hands. "Look here, you lot! Neville's really got the hang of this one." Rosalie calls out everyone coming to watch. "Go ahead again." Rosalie says proudly.

Fred tosses George's wand to him. Neville swirls his wand. "Expelliarmus!"

George's wand soars away once again.

"I did it! I did it!" Neville cheers.

Rosalie hugs the boy and squeezes. "Never forget this spell, Neville. It could save your life someday." Rosalie whispers letting the boy go. Neville nods, a new confidence in him.

Rosalie moves to the front of the room with Tom again, Fred and George behind the pair, smirks on their faces.

"Okay, everyone. We've done a lot today, and I've seen some excellent improvement. That's it for now. We'll meet back here, same time next week." Rosalie says. Now at the door Tom has everyone sign the parchment he enchanted, everyone signs as they drift out of the meeting.

Rosalie and the twins go about straightening the room up. 

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