Chapter Two: Decided

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"Are you certain he is in danger?" 'Ki-Adi-Mundi asked curiously, looking to the grandmaster'

"I am. However. Uncertain of the severity of the situation I am aswell" 'Yoda confirmed, turning to face the hologram of the Jedi Master'

'Yoda had called a meeting between the members of the council regarding the current predicament involving Zephyr'

"I admit. If it werent for what I witnessed I would be skeptical as well" 'Obi-wan said in agreement, catching the attention of the council'

"Not too long ago I sensed a disturbance in the force. That was Zephyr's fault I presume?" 'Plo-Koon asked curiously, earning a nod from Obi-wan'

"Yes I believe so. The ripples he caused were quite potent" 'Obi-wan said with a sigh'

"What do you suggest we do?"  'Mace-Windu asked calmly, earning a hum from the grandmaster'

"Perform a correction ceremony we must. Release him from the binds the force has placed upon him" 'Yoda said in thought, earning a few murmers from the other council members'

"A ceremony such as that has not been performed in centuries" 'Ki-Adi-Mundi said in mild surprise'

"If his connection to the force is as muddled as you believe it to be. Then that would be our best course of action" 'Plo-Koon admitted in thought'

'The council room sat in silence for a few moments until Shaak-Ti looked back to the grandmaster. Having been momentarily distracted by a clone that appeared next to her'

"I would be willing to perform the ceremony" 'Shaak-Ti said calmly, causing the other council members to turn to her holographic form'

"Are you sure about this? The ceremony is quite taxing to perform" 'Obi-wan stated warily, earning a nod from the Jedi Master'

"I am well aware of that Master Kenobi. I have studied it before. I offer my service because I feel as though I would be the best equipped to perform such a task" 'Shaak-Ti explained, earning a hum from Mace-Windu'

"Zephyr does seem to get along with her the best"  'Mace-Windu admitted'

"A delicate touch this situation calls for. Trust in Master Shaak-Ti's abilities I do" 'Yoda said in agreement. Earning a relieved smile from the Togrutan Jedi Master'

"I will depart from Kamino at once. I would appreciate as much information on the boy as possible" 'Shaak-Ti said before her hologram flickered, switching off shortly after'

'The remaining council members also deactivated their holographic projectors. Leaving the trio of Mace, Kenobi and Yoda in the meeting room'

"It would seem we failed to realize just how powerful the boy truly is" 'Mace-Windu stated bluntly, earning a chuckle from Obi-wan'

"You don't say" 'Obi-wan said sarcastically, in turn earning a hum from the grandmaster'

"Many things there are. We do not know about him. Little understood about the Conduits there is" 'Yoda added into the conversation. Catching the two Jedi master's attention'

"Exactly. Which is why I think Zephyr should be kept on a slightly shorter leash. At least until we can figure out a way to keep him under control" 'Obi-wan admitted, crossing his arms'

"Control him we can not. Learn to keep himself in check he must" 'Yoda said in rebuttal, earning a look of confusion from Mace-Windu'

"Isn't the whole point in training him in the ways of a Jedi to learn to control him?" 'Mace-Windu asked curiously, earning a hum from Yoda'

'Yoda stood looking out through one of the large windows momentarily, having lost himself deep in thought'

"Given me much to think about. You two have. Return to your duties you can" 'Yoda said as he dismissed the masters. Earning a nod from them before they walked out of the room'

*To Be Continued*

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