I mean really this was getting ridiculous. We went out almost every night, I had no alone time, and when I was alone my thoughts were consumed. But fine. If it means my friends stayed happy, then I'd do it.

So I got ready, a small pencil skirt with a white blouse and some necklaces, and headed to the bar. Once again, Cade was sitting at the bar. He had some bimbo on his lap grinding and kissing on his neck. Gross. That could be you. Thanks I didn't realize. He glanced up at me and I smiled at him with a head nod. Well fantastic, now he knows I was watching. And as if that's incentive for him, he keeps my stare while guiding his hands to the girls ass. He over dramatically moved to make it seem like he's enduring the most pleasure he's ever had. I turn away and head to where the girls are. Alison hasn't been coming out recently, and I wondered if it had to do with a job.

"Hey champ. Why don't you take a shot with us?" I swear all these girls thought about were drinking and partying.

"I'm good Ruby, thanks. Hey where's Alison been?" It looks like I've struck a cord when they both look at the ground. Was it me? Was I the reason she stopped coming around?

"She doesn't wanna be out on weekdays anymore. She says it fucks with her life." Jen explained to me. "We got in a big fight about it. She just doesn't seem to want to hang with us anymore." She continued on. Could I blame Ali though? I mean, partying every night was exhausting. And I had only been doing it almost every night, and only for a couple of weeks now.

"Well I'm sure she'll come around." I try to comfort them but I also can't help but see where Alison comes from with this. It makes me nervous for if I ever wanna back down for a night.

"Princess, did you enjoy the show?" Shit. Cades looming over me. I turn around to meet his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I act oblivious. Which is stupid considering we made eye contact while he was with that girl.

"I saw you watching. Jealous, are we?" His eyes were blood shot, and he was staring into mine. Had he been crying? That wasn't a blood shot red from drinking, there's no way. It was something else.

"Why are your eyes so red?" I ignored his previous question.

"Sweetheart, I don't sleep much." Why? Is it because of the nightmares?

"The nightmares?" His jaw clenched. He balled up fists at his sides. I guess I struck a nerve. He walked towards me, grabbing my wrist and yanking me away. We went out to the alleyway I knew all too well.
"What are you doing? Cade, ow that hurts. You're scaring me" he lessened his grip at the fear in my voice. But still not letting go. What was wrong with him why was he so mad?

"Don't fucking talk about things you don't fucking know about little girl." His face was close to mine now, I could feel his hot breath on my lips.

"I- I'm sorry. I just was curious-" he slammed his fist against the brick wall next to me. Pulling back with bloody knuckles. What the hell? I flinched, hard too. I didn't realize I was shielding my face until he pried my arm away.

"Why the fuck are you acting like I'm gonna hit you? Christ E, you pissed me off but I'm not a woman beater." The softness in his voice caught me off guard. How could he go from so intimidating and cruel, to soft. It confused me so much.

"You scared me. I'm sorry for bringing up the nightmares." His jaw clenched again at my mention of them. "I just wanted to know why your eyes were so red." He looked down at his feet.

"Why the fuck does a girl like you care? Little miss perfect taking pity on the big bad boy? Give me a break. Estella Josette thinks she can fix everyone!" He started mocking me and raising his voice. I didn't like this side of him, and I promised myself whatever it took; that I would never have to see it again. He started up again. "If I wanted anything to do with you I would've fucked you by now, but shit I don't even want that. Not so perfect are you? Can't even get a man to take your virginity. No wonder you had to move here, everyone was so disgusted with you weren't they, so done with-" I slapped him. I couldn't let him finish. Tears had already made their way down my cheek.

Slapping him tore his attention away enough that I was able to get out from between his arms. But it wasn't long before his grip came smacking back down on my wrist.

"Did you just put your hands on me?" He hissed with anger. Everything in my mind was telling me run. Run far away and don't look back. But my body wasn't moving. I was stuck here, with Cade.

"I'm sorry. Please just let me go." I couldn't mask the fear in my voice. Cade Walker no longer was just a bad boy who was intimidating, he now terrified me.

"And let you run around thinking it's okay to give me an attitude? I don't think so princess." Shit. No, I thought he was nicer than this. I'm such an idiot. He's going to kidnap me and kill me. I'll never see my mom again. God, David was awful but this was, this was evil.


[ uh oh :) another chapter! And this one was hard to write. But it's time to get a deeper look into Cade so, the next few chapters might go a bit dark. I suggest not reading them if any of the triggers in my authors note could trigger you. Thank you so much for reading! I'm beyond thrilled with the support!! <3 ]

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