Chapter 64 - Darius - It Begins

Start from the beginning

I don't even get a second to think about his words before Garrison walks back in, Lord Roland now dressed in warmer clothing on his heels.

"My king," Roland greets, bowing at the waist. You'd think I'd be semi-used to the full bow everyone now gives me, but I'm not. I'm used to people only dipping their chins in my presence, and I didn't even like that. "Thank you for agreeing to see me."

"Please, sit, Lord Roland."

He sits down, Lance and Garrison standing at the ends of the desk. I highly doubt Lord Roland of all people is stupid enough to try and lunge for me, but I'm not in the mood to dismiss them. If I do, then I'll have to repeat all that is said to them later, and I'm in desperate need of my bed and a good night's rest.

"I assume you want to know all the details of your father's visit to my city?"

I nod, clearing my head before I zone out again.

"Well, it was on Vercurii, the first day of this month, that he showed up at the gates of my estate. I was awoken by one of my servants late in the night, and he told me that there was a man waiting for me in my office. He refused to give a name as well as remove his hood for my people to identify, but they let him because he had the King's seal. When I went down to meet with him, he wouldn't say a word until I dismissed everyone out of the house. That's when he revealed himself. He told me all he knew, and everything you've told him. After filling me in, he told me about his decision to relinquish his crown and pass it on to you. He made me swear in my loyalty to your family and then made me swear to bring his signed and sealed written word as confirmation that the crown is indeed yours. He made me swear many other things that night, and by the time we had finished speaking, it was dawn."

"What else did he make you swear?"

"To assist you in any way you need and ask for. To help guide you through the duties of a King - a great king. To ensure that the Court would either support you or be...dealt with."

"King Neven asked you to assassinate any of those within the Court who opposed Darius?" Garrison asks.

"It wasn't in his exact wording, but the implication was clear, yes. Worry not, seeing as you dealt with Julyanus quite nicely, I've kept my own men at my side. Not to mention that I'm sure your own assassins could very well do the job for you," he says with a pointed glance at Lance. There's no sign of hatred or resentment in his eyes, perhaps a little awe, however.

"So you are to essentially be my hand?"

"More so a...mentor. The choice of who is to have the title is still yours to decide."

"And as my mentor, who would you suggest I appoint the position?"

He doesn't answer right away, which only makes me more nervous as to what his answer will be. "Someone you trust. Someone you know will always have your best interest at heart, and someone you know for a fact you could very well trust to potentially run the kingdom in your absence, but at the same time, a person who would happily and easily relinquish said power the moment you returned. If you have no one like that here, then you have no one to appoint."

Trust. One of the many issues I am currently struggling to keep a grip on. No one in my confidence has betrayed me yet, so my trust issues aren't as damaged as Lance's or his sisters or the rest of their assassins for that matter. However, war makes you question things such as trust, and so I find myself in a dilemma once more.

I glance at Garrison, still keeping his eyes on the Lord. He's the head of my personal guard, it wouldn't be much of a surprise to make him my hand. The only issue is that he's as vulnerable as me when it comes to snuffing out his anger. I may not be physically expressive with it, but I know when others notice how quickly the wind starts moving or how suddenly it stops. Garrison has never been one for politics either, but I know he'd be happy to suffer its ordeals for my sake. Him, I can trust without second-guessing it, but I'm not going to be selfish and put him in a position of misery or weariness.

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