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"Okay class, I'm handing out your results from the exam we did on Monday. This exam will contribute to your final grade" fuck. I never studied. We were told about the exam last Friday, that only gave me two days to study, and it was the weekend. Who studies on the weekend? There are far more important things to be doing on the weekend, like going out with your friends and drinking until you can't see properly, not studying. "I want to see you after class, Miss Lovato" I jumped from my thoughts and glanced up at miserable Ms Martel who does not dress appropriately for her age. She's in her 30's and she dresses like she's 50. She seriously needs a lesson in fashion. I would gladly give her one. "After class, Miss Lovato" I nodded, glancing down at the exam that she had placed on my desk.

F. Another fucking F?

I slumped back in my chair, my arms crossing over my chest. I didn't pay attention the entire lesson. I hate math. I can't stand it. I don't understand it. Who the fuck needs algebra anyway? I doodled on my notepad the entire lesson, something that has always helped to pass the time. Maybe I should become an artist. I won't need math for that, surely?

The bell rang but I didn't hurry to get out of class like I normally do because miserable Ms Martel wanted to see me. I slowly pushed myself from my seat and grabbed my purse off the floor. I shoved my notepad and exam into my bag, just wanting to completely forget about it. Ms Martel glanced up at me once everyone had left and the door had closed, muffling out the outside noise of students. She signalled for me to take a seat. I slid into the chair opposite her desk and sighed as I waited for her to express her disappointment in me.

"Miss Lovato, I think you are capable of getting good grades" here comes the lecture. "This is your third F now in math and these exams all go towards your final grade. With the way that you're going, Demetria, you will fail and you will have to repeat the year" no way in hell do I want to stay in this hellhole for another year. I wouldn't survive another year.


"I'm going to have a conversation with the principal but I'm going to assign you a tutor" I rapidly began to shake my head.

"I don't need a tutor, Miss."


"Demi" I had to refrain from rolling my eyes. I don't need another reason to be in trouble.

"Demetria..." I was sure to sigh my annoyance. "I think it would be very beneficial if you had a tutor. The person I have in mind is very patient, they're a straight A student, and I think they would really be able to get you the grades you need to pass" I wasn't trying to hide my distaste for this whole situation. I don't need a tutor. I don't need some nerd trying to tutor me.

"I don't need or want a tutor, Miss."

"Then I shall see you next year, Miss Lovato" she began to tidy up the sheets on her desk. I watched her for a moment until I sighed and completely caved on the idea of a tutor. I definitely don't want to spend another year in this hellhole.

"Fine" Ms Martel's lips twitched into a smile.

"I think that is a very wise decision, Demetria."

"Who are you assigning to tutor me?"

"I'll have more information next week once I've spoken with the principle" I nodded, pushing myself up from my desk. "I know what it's like to be you, Miss Lovato."

"I very much doubt that, Miss" I grabbed my purse off the floor and draped the strap over my shoulder.

"You think you have the world at your fingertips. You think you're indestructible. You don't realise how quickly your life can change. You don't realise the importance of good grades, all you think life is, is alcohol, parties and sex, am I right?" I just shrugged my shoulders, hoping that this lecture would finish soon so that I could leave. "You can be so much more, Demetria" she held my gaze for a moment but then glanced down at her desk. "You're dismissed. Go on" she waved her hand towards the door and I didn't wait another second. I left the room, releasing a breath as I finally stepped out into the corridor. Have I seriously just agreed to having a tutor?

I headed for my locker, annoyed with myself because I caved so quickly. Why does she think partnering me with a nerd is going to help my grades? I don't have time to study now, what makes her think I have the time to study with someone else?

"Hey Babe" I glanced to Marissa who appeared beside me as I angrily shoved my books into my locker. "You okay?" I released an annoyed sigh and turned to her.

"Miserable Ms Martel has assigned me a fucking tutor for math" Marissa's eyes widened and her lips twitched into a smirk.

"You're going to get to torment a nerd?" I rolled my eyes and glanced back into my locker, grabbing out what I would need for the rest of the day. "Who you got? You got four eyes or braces?" I shrugged my shoulders, slamming my locker shut.

"I don't know, she didn't say. She's got to speak to the principal apparently" I threw my bag strap over my shoulder. "I didn't fucking want one at all but I could end up having to repeat senior year if I fail again and that means spending an extra year in this hellhole" Marissa's bright red lips formed a pout. "Anyway, let's go and grab lunch. I'm starved" I linked my arm with hers and guided her down the corridor which was easy because as soon as everyone saw us coming, they moved out of our way. Perks of being Miss Popular.


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