"Oh, Mark Sloan, stop dirty eyeing me at work." She hit the back of his head, the man moving his hand to rub it. "I'll make it up to you tonight, alright?"

As Mark got a pager, he glanced down, reading out. "Incoming trauma." Once he looked up, he smirked again. "Promise?"

"Promise! Now, go, save a life." She giggled as she pushed the man away from her, looking down to update Izzie's chart.

However, soon after, she was paged to a trauma room by Shepherd, walking down to the pit to answer it.

"Dr. Shepherd, you pa- whoa." She let out at the sight before her. There was a man on the table, completely mutilated to the point where he was unrecognizable. "What happened?"

"Man versus bus." Callie told her, worry in her voice.

"Bus won." Mark joked, Helena shooting him a reprimanding look as the doctors worked.

"You mind? He stepped in front of a moving bus so we could pull a woman out of the way, he's a hero." Owen asked, clearly uncomfortable at the comment.

Shaking her head, as if snapping out of her momentary shock, the short resident asked. "What do you need, Dr. Shepherd?"

"This is gonna keep me busy, I'm gonna need you to take over on Stevens. Periodic checkups, you know what to do." Derek told her as he worked.

"Sure, I've got it. Page me if you need anything down here." The girl nodded, turning to leave the room.

However, as she was about to, something told her to turn around and give the man on the table one last glance. As she did, staring at the swollen and mangled face of their patient, Helena took a deep breath as if to shake her anxiety away. With that, she left the room, the man opening his eyes soon after she did.

And that would be the last time they saw each other alive.


As Helena and Alex sat down with Meredith and Cristina at lunch, after a few hours of trying to get Izzie to improve her memory, Meredith asked, her mouth full.

"How's Izzie? Is she retaining anything?"

"No." Alex muttered.

"Oh, manners, Mer." Helena made a slightly disgusted face at the food she could see in her friends mouth. "Swallow first, speak after."

As Helena took a bite of her sandwich, Callie and Bailey approached their table.

"Ok, at six pm your idiotic colleague George O'Malley will finish his surgery with the Chief." Bailey told them, clearly a bit angry.

"And at six pm you will be standing beside us in the OR hallway prepared to join in an intervention." Callie added.

"What polite company might call an intervention, though I'm not sure interventions involve whooping people in their behinds. With a belt." The other woman corrected.

"What? He's got a drinking problem now?" Alex asked.

"He joined the army as a trauma surgeon." Helena sighed, Callie, Bailey and Meredith looking to her, confused as to how she knew. "He told me last night. Doesn't mean I like it, but it's his decision. And as his friend, I'm supporting it."

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