Chapter 116: Don't die

Start from the beginning

Soldier: COMMANDER !!

"Ah. This time he pushed the Tom button."

Spandam: The what now ?!

Franky: Ya shouldn't have done that.

Soldiers: ... His face can't possibly swell any more than that ?! He drew his Elephant sword "Funk freed" !

Spandam: 'Listen... !! Funk reed, give Nico Robin a fatal wound while she's off-guard, so that she won't be able to resist later... !!' TAKE THIS !! ELEPHANT CHOOOOOOP !!

Robin: Eh ?

Franky: Bastard !


"Truly... I've abandoned the very idea of sparing you a long time ago already."

Spandam: He stopped it... How ?! Funfreed !! You're an elephant, how can he stop you ?!!

"Now... Be a good boy and change that blade back to it's normal state. Or maybe you do want a few limbs gone."


Funfreed: ...Boooooooo...

"There, there. See, it wasn't so hard, was it ?"

Franky: I really don't regret a thing. I was right placing my bet on you guys !

Spandam: Whaaaat ?!

Franky: I never thought that this day would come. If only I'd had the power that day... I wanted to get Tom back no matter what... !! Despite knowing Enies Lobby's unrelenting myth... Despite knowing the remarkable power of the World Government !! The Strawhats abandoned all of their common sense and marched ahead !! They won't hesitate to make the entire world their enemy just for one of their friends !! it's such a refreshing feeling... !! I've never forgotten Tom's death 'till today !! Every time that official's idiotic face crosses my mind... I always wished I could crush him !!

"That wish... is granted. Up."

Spandam: W- Wah ?! Funfreed's floating ?! H- hey, don't do anything stupid, you idiot !!

"Annnnnd... "

"Left right down up down left right left up down up down up right left right up down up left right left up down up down up right left right down up down right left right up down up left right left up down up left right left down up down up... DOWN !!"

 DOWN !!"

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"Haa... Haa... Haa... Still as tiring as I remember..."

Franky: It's really thanks to you, that my wish has come true ! I've been dead once. If the Strawhats can get out of here alive, I wouldn't mind sacrificing my life again !!

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