Chapter 15: Forest of Death. What a wonderful name.

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"Move and I'll kill you. Hand over the scroll quietly." He demands all needfully.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shouts worried. Dammit Sakura, don't get his attention. I throw a kunai at him the same time the now freed Naruto does.

"You're not getting away!" Naruto yells landing on the ground.

I see Sasuke activate his Sharingan and pick up the kunai with his foot. (He connected it win his Chakra). I just relized something, if there's one then there's two more. The first thing I did, was activate my own Kekkei Genkai, the Byakugan. If I can find the other two teammates, then we wouldn't have to worry.

Sasuke tackled the guy with his newfound strength. They were having much more luck than I, I still had yet to find them. Sasuke then proceeded to stab the Ninja causing blood to drip onto his face.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shouted standing in the same place.m

"Go Sakura!" Shouting, I try to persuade her to help or leave.

"Don't just stand there, Sakura!" Sasuke yells at her. "He may not be alone. Listen, if you let your guard down, you're really going to die!"

"Don't worry Sasuke! I'll be looking for his teammates!" I reassure looking farther. The man pushed away frm Sasuke in midair causing his blood to flow more. The nin fled before Sasuke or Naruto could get him. The coward, don't start a fight you can't finish. We all calmed down sitting in a circle.

"If the four of us get separated, don't trust anyone even if he looks like one of us. There's a possibility that an an enemy will transform into one of us and approach." Sasuke explained.

"So, what should we do?" Sakura inquires with Naruto.

"Well, Himawari will be able to scout around for us, but we need to decide on a password."

"Password?" Naruto replies to Sasuke.

"If a different password is given, assume that he's an enemy no matter what he looks like, got it? I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully. The question will be 'When does a ninja strike?' And the response is 'A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. When his weapons lay forgotten in he stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike.' Got it?" Sasuke rants then asks. More like a pass paragraph.

"Okay." Sakura responds nodding. I nod with her remembering the basics of it. Besides even if I can't remember it, the enemy can't copy my Byakugan. I see Naruto won't remember it though.

"Can you say it one more time?" Naruto asks making me laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Nothing." I wave my hand at him. "But Sasuke is only repeating it once, so nope."

"Could you not remember it all?" Sakura asks Naruto kind of annoyed. "You're stupid. I remembered it right away." Naruto claimed to remember it too, but we all know that's a lie. Plus, the password is for the ninja listening in on us not for Naruto.

"I wouldn't be so surprised Sakura..." I whispered making her send me a sly smile. I'm sure Naruto would have started yelling if he'd have heard.

"I'll keep the scroll now." Sasuke says as I hand it to him. Suddenly wind comes from the woods. Like an attack wind not a breeze. It's starts to blow really hard knocking up some rocks. "A new enemy?" Sasuke asks as a big explosion of Earth dust goes off.

The dust starts clearing and I see that we've been separated. No problem, I don't even need the Byakugan for this. I can sense their Chakra. Oh there they are. I run over to Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto.

"Sasuke. Sakura. You two all right?" I ask before the hold their Kunais up. "Oh okay, the password. Do I have to say it all? When does a ninja strike? When the ninja drops his guard. When they go to sleep and their weapons are forgotten- screw this Byakugan! Only I can use it, so it's me." I yell annoyed disactivating it.

"Yeah, it's you." Sakura sweatdrops. "I can tell without the Byakugan. We were just interrogating Naruto. Your turn say the pass word."

I listened to 'Naruto' say the password. Except he said it correctly. (In all honestly I don't want to type it) Sasuke threw his kunai at the fake Naruto. Seriously, he gets impersonated a lot. This one was able to dodge tit though.

"What are you doing?" He questions angry.

"This time, we have someone good enough to dodge my attack?" Sasuke says as we both get ready to fight.

"What are you talking about, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura questions. "Naruto said the password correctly.

"That's why we know it's a problem." I respond for him making her have a confused look. Sakura is smart can't she figure it out.

"Do you think he could remember such a long password?" Sasuke asked her. "If I asked, 'What's the password?' What do you think the normal Naruto would say?"

"Sorry, I forgot." Sakura answers realizing what's going on.

"And the movement he showed when he dodged my attack is different from Naruto. Show your real self, faker." Sasuke commanded cockily. The faker did a weird giggle before licking his lips.

"I see." He said before a giant poof of white cloud explosion happened. I got my sword ready to attack. As it cleared it revealed a women. Oh, whoops. "But if you knew that he was going to forget it... Why didn't you use a shorter password?"

"It wasn't for you, Baka!" I shouted at the freak getting ready to do hand signs.

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