The pregnancy

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I watch the sun reflect against the picture window.  Sitting in the living room, comfortably installed on the black velvet sofa, I get ready to study a new script.  Hailey my agent sent it to me a few days earlier.
It's been a few weeks since I moved in.  I took my marks pretty quickly.  Here, I am safe from malicious people.

Normally, I would have settled on the terrace.  But today I am not feeling very well.  I must have caught a virus last night when I left the brewery with Christopher.  It will teach me to wear clothes that are too light when the outside temperature is not warm enough.  I woke up with nausea.  I didn't have breakfast for fear it wouldn't go through.

I still have to manage to concentrate, the script will not study on its own.  Equipped with my pencil to write all the annotations necessary for the analysis of my character, I open the script to the first page in order to deepen my knowledge about it.
The script is completely different from the last film I shot earlier this year.  The character was dark, harsh and tormented.  He was fighting against himself at the risk of losing himself.

The script has a humorous tone.  I've never played an entertaining character before.  The challenge is one of the many reasons why my job fascinates me.  Never play the same role, surprise yourself and the audience.  I am convinced that if the actress feels pleasure when playing a role, the audience feels an attachment to the character.  And conversely, if the actress is bored in her art, the viewer gets tired and ends up not showing interest in her career.  I am excited to start filming and to experience having fun while working.

I jotted down a few notes but nothing more.  I fail to put my ideas together.  The nausea persists and my stomach is upset.  I feel like I'm seasick!  Maybe a green tea without sugar will help me!
I should not have !  When I arrive in the kitchen, the smell of bananas in the fruit basket, placed on the counter, mingles with the smell of apples.  I have never smelled such an unpleasant smell in my whole life!  Quick, I run to the toilet, I hope to arrive on time!

Since I regurgitated, the nausea has calmed down somewhat.  But I am not completely relieved and I am still weak.  I decide to call Frederique and Joana to warn them that I could not go out with her this evening.  Don't put off the idea of ​​catching gastroenteritis, they want to come and keep me company.  Real friends!

Apparently they didn't understand what sick meant!  They arrive with tons of candy to snack on.  The sight alone makes me sick.  I prefer to abstain by thanking them politely.  They make fun of me by telling me that anyway it was not for me but only for them.

- We're not going to deprive ourselves on the pretext that you have indigestion.

Thank you girls your concern comforts me!
We sit in the living room to watch a DVD.  I bundle up in a fleece blanket.
Joana has the nasty habit of speaking with her mouth full.  It's disgusting !

- So what's the problem?
- Nothing really bad, a cold snap!  Are you already better?  It's intermittently, when you think about it, it's true that it's not the first time these days.
- Have you been sick in the past few days?
- Yes ... I would say the last two weeks.
- Wait, you've been sick for two weeks?
- Yes, I should go see the doctor.  This is not normal!  It seems more than just a cold snap.
- But what do you have like symptoms?
- Nausea, hot flashes, cramps in the lower abdomen and heartburn!

Frédérique gets up with a bang!

- I do not believe !  Wait, how many days are you late?
- What are you talking about ?
- Of your rules!  How late are you?

I count in my head.

- Hmmm .... three weeks!
- Oh oh oh, I can't believe it!  You are pregnant !

There, she really freaks me out!

- Your joke is really not funny!
- But it's not a joke!  You are pregnant !  You should take a pregnancy test.

Joana gets up in turn.

- I'm going to the pharmacy to take you a test.  Because if you're the one who goes there and you run into a paparazzi, you'll be in big trouble.
- But I'm not pregnant!
- Take the test, you'll be fixed!

I let myself be convinced.  After all, I don't risk anything.  When they see that the test is negative, they will leave me alone with their pregnancy stories.  Joana went to the pharmacy, Frederique stirs me up with her symptoms and all that goes with it.  Joana is coming back quickly, please!  I keep turning on my phone screen.

- What have you been doing for ten minutes?
- Am I looking at the time?
- Time will not pass faster looking at the time every minute.

They managed to put me in doubt.  I am stressed and I start to sweat.

- It's hot, don't you think?
- No, it's you who's upset!  Breathe!
- She takes a long time!  What is she doing ?

I go around in circles like a lion in a cage.  I don't know if it's stress, but the nausea resurfaces.  I drink a little water but the sip struggles to pass.  I sit on the sofa and get up immediately.  I am dizzy and dizzy.  I take the foot of the coffee table and almost fall.  Finally, I hear the front door open.  I run to meet Joana and grab the box from her.  I am so anxious that I see blurry and do not understand the user manual.  Frederique take the paper is the bed for me.

- It's not complicated !  Go my beautiful, your turn!  We're here, we won't let you!

I am panicking.  And if, I am really pregnant!

- So !
- You can wait, it does not happen in a fraction of a second this kind of thing!  I'm so stressed that I can't even pee.

Frédérique sticks to the bathroom door and imitates flowing water.

- And like that, it works?
- Continue or I get stuck!

I leave the toilet with the precious tube.

- And now ?
- You have to wait two minutes!

The longest two minutes of my life!  I dare not look at the verdict.  I ask the girls to watch for me.

- Ouch!
- Well what!
- You have two bars and they are clearly visible, dark blue!

My brain doesn't want to admit the truth.

- What does it mean ?
- I'm afraid you're pregnant, my beautiful!  Sorry !

Frederique hands me the tube so that I can see the result of the test.  And damn it, I'm pregnant!

- No, no, no, it's not possible!  I have to take the test again.  I cannot be pregnant.  I am not ready.  I am up to date in my contraception.  I never forgot it.  I take it every day at set times.  Not to mention that with Elliot, we are on the verge of breaking up.

I turn to Joana.

- You have to go back to the pharmacy to buy another one.  I'll drink a liter of water before you come back so I can pee when you get back.

Joana is very understanding.  She returns to the pharmacy and comes back with two new tubes.  I must have drunk three liters of water.  I do them all.  No mistake, I'm pregnant!

- Ok I understood.  I fell asleep and am having a nightmare.
- I'm afraid not, it would rather be a waking nightmare, if you want my opinion.

I'm choking!  I can't breathe anymore.  I am living in hell!  What am I going to do ?  How am I going to be able to shoot my next film while pregnant?  I had no plans to get pregnant now.  I must tell Elliot!  But how will he react?

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