A few hours later, after the boy had coded many times and they had done virtually all they could, the monitor biped once more.

"ICP is still going up..." Helena sighed, looking at the monitor.

"Are you hyperventilating him enough?" Arizona asked.

"Yes, he's PCO2 is thirty."

"Alright, let's raise him all the way up." The attending instructed, Bailey helping them out as they worked.

Melinda, the boy's mother, moved to hold the boy. "Jackson, you have to hold on, ok, baby?"

"Melinda, step back, you're getting in the way." Bailey instructed as Helena raised the bed and Arizona checked the kid's pupils. "You need to step back."

"Hold on for mommy. Please, Jackson, please!" The mother sobbed, a nearby nurse moving to remove her from the room as she sobbed in her arms.

Helena and Arizona checked the boy's vitals once more, Bailey holding the boy's hand with tears in her eyes. After the bed was raised, the waited for a minute to check if there had been any change.

"Nothing." The older woman whispered.

"Should I get the mother, Dr. Robbins?" Helena asked, her heart broken, Bailey and the attending nodding along.

The resident swallowed hard before leaving the room, taking a deep breath in order to control her own feelings. Turning around a corner, she found Melinda pacing around and whispering a prayer under her breath.

"Melinda?" The girl called out, softly. "You should come in."

As the entered, Melinda holding tight onto the doctor's hand, Bailey told her, her own voice broken. "It's time to hold him. He's going, Melinda. Hold him and help him go."

As the doctors stood towards the back of the room, the mother whispered her goodbyes. "It's ok, baby. You can go." Glancing to her Chief resident, Helena saw the woman crying, her own tears almost spilling. At that, she placed a comforting hand of her shoulder, the older woman placing her hand on top of hers. "It's ok, you can go. Mommy won't be mad. You can go, Jackson, it's ok."

Just then, Webber ran into the room. "We have organs." At everyone's stunned faces, he repeated. "We have organs! Get him to OR3, now."

Immediately, the boy started coding, Helena starting CPR as the female attending commanded the room. "Push 35 of epi and 5o of bicarbonate."

As the boy stopped coding, Helena whispered under her breath. "Let's do this, Jackson. Let's get you some new organs."


Helena walked into Mark's hospital room, the man having been admitted after his surgery, letting out. "Hi, honey."

"Lee, I don't want you to..." He started, his voice rasp.

"..see you like this, I know." She smiled at him showing him the paper bowl she had in her hands. "But I... I got you soup! I would normally make it, if I we were home, you know soup is my specialty. But I like to eat soup when I am sick and I just got out of surgery, so I bought it for you." She told him, putting her bag down and sitting in his bed. "And I'm your girlfriend, and I love you, so I'm going to stay here and take care of you."

"I love you." He told her, still a bit groggy from the drugs.

"I love you too. Now, soup." She told him, giving him the food as she moved his bed to a seating position.

The man took the bowl with a smile, taking a spoon to his mouth. "It's good. Tell me about your day?"

"It's comfort food, of course it's good." She giggled. "Well, there was pretty much a miracle with little Jackson today."

As the man gave her a questioning look, she launched into an explanation, excitedly telling him how it'd all worked out in the end and he was now awake. When the man finished his soup, she threw the bowl away, laying next to him as she positioned her head on the crook of his neck.

"Now, go to sleep. I'll take you home in the morning." She pressed a kiss to his cheek, the couples falling asleep on each other's arms.


Word count: 1626

This episode was hilarious, I just knew I had to write it. Also, I really like writing Helena in action in peds. What did you think of this chapter?

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