The Reception Gone WRONG?

Start from the beginning

But right now, Bela was not prepared about what to say to her best friend. She knew she would break down in front of her so she just let it ring.

And then she saw - 100 Missed calls from The Ishaan Malhotra!

Why o Why????

She panicked but she did not know whether it was safe to call him back.
Nakul had clearly told her not to utter a word about their marriage!
Honestly, she did not trust him enough to talk against Nakul.
After all he was his Friend!
He would find out anyways what his so called friend was upto!

And Bela knew after the reception today, every one will know that She was married to The Nakul Mahendra Trehan.
And so will Ishaan!

A light knock on the door caught her attention but she was alert... What if it was the Brute?
She was not ready to face the devil yet again!

But he wouldn't even bother to knock! - her mind reminded

Sighing she politely asked the person to come in.
A girl dressed in an uniform came in with a polite smile and said -
Good Morning Ma'am!
My name is Kanika and I am your assistant for the day.
Drishti ma'am has send me here with your food and clothes for the evening party.

Bela thought for a while and then nodded at the girl to keep the trolley in the room.

Ma'am, the trolley has my card number. Please use the intercom to call me whenever you need me! - the girl spoke again smiling

Kanika, please call me Bela!
You look my age!
And thank you for bringing the food here! - replied Bela politely

The girl smiled brightly and said - Ok Bela! And it's my duty...i would be happy to assist you!

Do you know where can I find Suhani?
My sister?
Um... Avyan's wife? - asked Bela hopefully

Kanika hesitated but replied none the less - Bela, um....i am not supposed to say anything but I think, Trehan Sir has Strictly asked everyone not to let you out till evening time.

I..I am sorry!
But guess, you can only meet Suhani ma'am once the party starts in the evening. - she added and Bela frowned

What the Hell?
Who is he to decide for me?
Where is he?
I want to talk to him!
He can not just Boss around me! - Bela demanded

I know I am no one here to suggest you anything but I want the best for you.
Actually, Sir is really not in a good mood since he woke up.
Right now it's not a good time to talk to him, also Suhani ma'am is out with Avyan sir as they had to visit a temple. Only Drishti ma'am is here...other than Trehan Sir! - informed Kanika

Bela gritted her teeth and cursed under her breath.
She felt suffocated being tied to Nakul.

Why don't you eat your breakfast and then may be get ready for the function.?
So that, You will have enough time to interact with Suhani ma'am. - Kanika suggested

Bela sighed as she knew there were not many choices for her. She asked Kanika to leave her alone, Kanika refused as it was her assigned duty to be with her but Bela assured her that she will give her a call if she needed her.
Bela ate a little and then waited for the evening to arrive.

Evening Time :

Suhani was getting dressed in her room with the help of a few beauty staff that had been called in specially for her.
But she was lost!
Her mind was roaming around her elder sister.
She wanted to talk to Bela but she was adamant on not telling her anything but she too was determined to talk to Bela once the reception party was over.

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