Chapter 35

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The Nighthwak descended through the atmosphere of the D'Qar along with the other Resistance fighter squadrons. They landed on the airfield  where they were met with tons of Resistance personnel cheering and clapping their hands. X-Wing pilots exited their cockpits and were embraced by friends and comrades left and right. Destin, Neema, and Bozin watched from inside the cockpit of The Nighthawk as the whole of the Resistance celebrated their hard fought victory against the First Order. The three of them looked at one another, silent, and exhaled a deep breath together. They laughed.

Neema spoke. "That was..."

"...insane," Bozin finished.

"Yeah..." Destin sighed.

Bozin smiled. "We did it you guys."

Neema took another breath, and gestured to Bozin's datapad. "Come on. Let's go bring this encryption key to the Commander."

"Yeah. Right." said Bozin.

They all rose from their seats and exited the ship's hull. The ships's ramp lowered and Neema, Bozin, and Destin descended. Destin looked around him and saw a melting pot of joyous faces all around. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had become part of something greater than himself, and it had felt good. And yet, the things Maas had shown him back on Starkiller Base...his perceptions had been shaken. The things his father did, the Resistance did...Destin knew he had much to consider. 

A little ways away, across the airfield, Destin noticed a Corellian Class Freighter had landed. He noticed a young woman, dressed in scavenger's garb, exit the ship, accompanied by a Wookie who pushed a levitating gurney down its cargo ramp. On that gurney, Destin saw a young man, injured and incapacitated, quickly met with medical personal who glided him into the base. The scavenger woman stayed behind with a look of sorrow on her face. She was then met by an older woman who Destin recognized. It was General Leia Organa, the former princess of Alderaan, Rebellion war hero, and now, leader of the Resistance. He had only seen holovids of this woman, a prominent member of the senate of the New Republic. It was almost surreal to see her with his own eyes. This woman was a legend. General Organa and the young scavenger woman looked at one another and they hugged. Even from a distance, Destin could feel the sorrow in their hearts. He could feel a sense of loss from them, and Destin soon understood, that even though they claimed a victory for the Resistance today, it was not without its share of sacrifices. These two women had lost someone dear them. Who? Destin couldn't say, but it was clear it someone important.


Destin turned and saw Sloan crossing the airfield and hurrying towards him, Neema, and Bozin.

"Commander!" Neema shouted back.

Sloan rushed to Neema and Neema to the Commander. They hugged one another. 

"You guys ok?" Sloan asked.

"Yeah. Yeah we're okay." Neema said.

"You three had me worried there for a minute. You were really cutting it close."

"You're telling me..." Bozin sighed.

Neema looked to Sloan. "Commander," she said. "We have the encryption key."

Neema held up Bozin's datapad for Sloan to see.

Sloan smiled. "I knew I could count on you three. Come on. Let's take a look at what you got."

Neema and Bozin followed Sloan into the base. Destin took one last look at the scavenger woman and General Organa across the airfield, then followed his freinds into the base.

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