Chapter 20

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Maas stood at the helm of the bridge of his Super Star Destroyer, The Endeavour. He closed his eyes as he listened to the silent chatter on the bridge and the faint tapping of fingers on data terminals in the datapit below. So much had happened in the past few days and he had so much to consider in his mind. His thoughts raced and he hardly had any moments to himself to try and settle them. Ever since the holocron was taken from The First Order, Maas was set on a mad dash to retrieve it, and these recent unexpected surprises were more than he could have ever of anticipated. A Jedi? How could he ever expect that? Last he heard, the last remnants of the Jedi were lost when Kylo Ren had attacked Skywalker's training temple. Skywalker had managed to escape, but it was widely considered that he was most likely the last Jedi to exist. But now, to discover there was another Jedi in the galaxy, and a young man at that, gave Maas a bit of a shudder. Was this young man a disciple of Skywalker's who had managed to escape as he did? Or was he of another origin? If so, how many more Jedi could be out there? Was the ancient Jedi Order rising from the ashes once more? If that were the case, it would be even more imperative to retrieve the stolen holocron. The information on it would reveal the First Order's hand, and if that were revealed, the First Order would lose the only thing that could combat such a threat - the element of surprise. Maas was almost lost to the chatter of his thoughts, when a voice from behind snapped him from his daze.


Maas opened his eyes and turned, finding Veranda standing behind him, data pad in hand.

"Commander," Maas acknowledged.

"Sir," Veranda straightend, "we've tracked the criminals." She stepped forward and handed Maas her data pad. Maas examined the information on the screen. "They've landed on planet Tormir in the Outer Rim," she said.

"That's some ways away," Maas replied.

"Aye, sir."

Maas paused, thinking of any options available to him. Then, an idea crossed his mind.

"Where is our asset at present?" he asked Veranda.

"Not too far," she replied. "He's on station ready to assist. Quite frankly, he's...quite eager to jump back into the fray...sir."

"Mmm," Maas pondered. "Give him these coordinates. Tell him to jump ahead and create a presence on the surface. Give him orders to scout ahead, but do not engage." Maas handed the datapad back to Veranda. "Chart a route for Tormir. Get us there as soon as possible."

"Aye, sir."

Maas was about to turn back towards his helm, but he noticed Veranda did not move as he dismissed her.

 "Commander? Is something wrong?" he asked.

Veranda hesitated, something very unusual for her. "No sir, nothing's wrong," she said, "it's just...forgive me for asking Admiral, but...are you okay?"

Maas examined her face. Her eyes glistened as she looked up at him, a look of concern in them. He hoped no one saw this moment between them. Such exchanges were not accepted between military personnel in The First Order. They were often found to be weaknesses that were encouraged to be dismissed, if not eradicated. However, Maas could not help but acknowledge the risk she was taking losing face, simply to check in on his well-being. He offered the only thing he could to put her at ease. 

"Yes, Veranda. Of course," he said. He heistated for a moment, but then added with a soft voice, "Thank you, Commander."

That was all she needed to hear. She took a breath as she straightened her shoulders and raised her chin, giving Maas a short nod of her head. "Yes, sir," she said, and then turned to walk strongly back to her station.

Maas couldn't help but make a short but amused smile. He turned and closed his eyes once more, this time, his mind at ease and resolute, ready for what was about to come. It was time to take the element of surprise back.

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