Chapter 36

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Destin sat, his legs crisscrossed on the bed of his temporary room within Resistance HQ. His hands sat in his lap, his eyes were closed, and his chest rose as he took in a deep breath, meditating. His thoughts went to his sister, Solara. In his mind, he saw their homeworld - Nag Ubdur. He saw Solara and himself back at the riverbank they visited as kids, both with fishing poles in their hands. They smiled and laughed together, enjoying the conversation as they discussed what their mother might make for dinner that very night. 

It was strange to think that the sister he had in his mind, might not be the same person he remembered, but then again, he wasn't the same either anymore. He suddenly began to reflect on everything that happened in just a matter of days, realizing how much it had changed him. He could only imagine how much Solara may have changed all these past years. He still couldn't fully accept that his sister served the First Order. After all, Maas could've of lied to him just for the sole purpose of unnerving him in a fight, but Destin couldn't help but feel an ounce of truth in his words. Destin himself nearly succumbed to the darkness. Could it really be a stretch to think that Solara could've done the same? Solara was much stronger than him. Either way, he need more answers. To do that, he needed to be ready whatever cam his way next. He needed to be stronger. Everything he had faced had not only tested what strength he had, it also shown him how much further he still needed to go. 

Destin heard a voice come form behind him.

"The road ahead is long, Destin," said Bahda. 

Destin opened his eyes but didn't turn to face the Force spirit of his late master. 

"It will be some time before you see her again, you know that," he continued. "And when you do, she won't be the same person you remember."

"I know..." Destin finally answered.

"Will you be ready to face what she's become?" Bahda asked.

"...I'll have to be."

"Then you know what you have to do."


Just then, the door to his room whisked open and Bahda was gone, replaced with Neema standing in the corridor.

"Hey," She said. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you'd be...Am I interrupting?"

Destin shifted on the bed, turning to face Neema. 

"No. It's ok. What's up?" he said.

"Uh, dinner is being served in the refectory soon. Hungry?" Neema asked.

"Yeah," Destin sighed.

She paused. "I'll just, uh, meet you down there then." 

Neema turned to leave, but Destin spoke, stopping her.

"Neema..." Destin said.

"Yeah?" she answered as she turned around.

"I need to ask a favor."


"I need a ship," Destin said. "There's some place I need to go."



It didn't take much for Destin to convince Sloan to allow him to borrow an X-Wing. After all, he had done much for the Resistance, and Sloan considered him an asset she'd like to keep as an ally. And even though she may have given him the runt of the litter, he appreciated the gesture nonetheless. The X-Wing she gave him was a little banged up, with scorch marks from cannon fire on the hull, but so long as it flew, Destin wasn't one to complain. He had never had a ship to himself before. He had always hitched a ride on haulers and backwater freighters to get from system to system, so he couldn't help but feel a little gitty to finally have a ship for himself.

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