Chapter 7

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Admiral Maas entered the bridge of his Star Destroyer with a fire in his chest, the echo of his boots drawing the attention of all on deck. He could see his crew doing their best not to direct their gaze at their commander, but he noticed some could not but help to dart there eyes quickly in hopes of catching a quick glance at him. They knew their Admiral was in no trifling mood.

"Commander!" Maas shouted.

Veranda looked up from the datapad she had been working on in her hand and saw Maas walk straight towards the holo terminal she was standing near.

"Admiral?" she said, a little taken aback.

Veranda tried to quickly stand at attention, but Maas didn't waste any time.

 "Did you track any fighter class vessels exiting the planet?" Maas asked, brushing past her as he powered up the terminal.

"Uh...aye sir." Veranda composed herself. "Just one."

"Bring it up on screen," Maas ordered.

"Aye, sir."

 Veranda pressed some buttons on her datapad and pulled up the Star Destoyer's ship logs to the main screen of the holo terminal. Veranda and Maas watched the screen as it showed Neema Kin's ship, The Nighthawk, jump to hyperspace.

"Freeze it," Maas ordered. Veranda stopped the video. "Go back," he said.

Veranda rewinded the log.

"Stop," Maas said quickly. Veranda paused the video again. "Enhance image." 

Veranda pressed her data pad and zoomed in on Neema's ship. Maas looked at the screen with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Neema, you slippery worm," he said under his breath. He turned to Veranda. "Can you trace the trajectory of that ship?"

"Aye, sir" Veranda replied.

"Do it. I want you to track that ship and predict any possible destinations based off it's known trajectory. You can start by using this." Maas pulled out a homing beacon from his belt.

"Yes, sir." Veranda said.

Maas leaned in to Veranda, careful to not let anyone hear. "The holocron is on that ship. Make sure you don't lose it."

"Yes sir," she said, her eyes wide. Maas turned to exit the bridge. "Veridian..." Veranda interjected. 

Maas turned to face her, eyeing her for the lack of decorum she just displayed by addressing his first name. 

"Sir," she corrected, "Who has the holocron? Who's on that ship?"

Maas sighed. "An old friend." he said, and then exited the bridge to his captain's quarters.

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