Chapter 28

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Maas' shoved the items off his desk in fury. They fell to the floor and he could hear one of his drinking glasses shatter. He shouted out in frustration. 

"Damn you, Neema Kin," he said under his breath.


Maas raised his head and saw Veranda standing at the door of his captain's quarters.

"What is it commander!?" he asked in a harsher tone then he intended.

Veranda cleared her throat. "All garrisons have returned to the fleet and are accounted for," she said. "The helmsman on deck are awaiting your orders, sir."

"And the Resistance militia that was on Tormir?" asked Maas.

"The militia has been quelled. The civilians they were protecting, however..."


"Aboard shuttle class starships, yes sir. They jumped to light speed before we could trace their trajectory."

Maas wanted to shout again, but he restrained himself. He took a deep breath instead and straightened himself. 

"Thank you, Commander," he said. "Inform the helmsman that I will be on deck shortly."

"Yes, Admiral."

Veranda turned to walk away, but Maas saw her stop in the corridor. She turned and faced him. 

"Admiral?" she said.

"Yes, Commander?" Maas replied, curious.

Veranda walked over to him, coming close - closer than regulations or convention allowed. She looked into Maas's eyes and placed her hand on his cheek. She looked at him with that piercing gaze he knew all too well. 

"Veridian..." she said softly. "What is it?"

Maas knew he should've lowered her hand from his face, but he didn't. It was only them two in his quarters and it was rare for them to have these moments together. Her touch felt so soothing and warm to him. Something he felt very little of. He took a breath. 

"The files are missing," he said. "Neema must've wiped them from the  holocron and downloaded them onto a separate drive during the battle on Tormir." 

He sighed. He didn't want to seem vulnerable but it felt like something he needed right now.

 "I grow weary of this fight, Veranda," he continued. "Not because I am tired, but because our struggle seems to go in one direction only - towards chaos. That is why I have come this far. That is why I am willing to do anything to bring order back to the galaxy; to realize the First Order's dream."

"Our dream," Veranda interjected. She cupped Maas' face in her hands. "You're the best soldier I know – the best man. No matter how bad things may be, you always find a way to shift it to your advantage, just like I know you will this time. I'd follow you anywhere. You know that. Just say the word. So, tell me, Admiral – what's our next move?"

Veranda stared into Mass' eyes. Within them, Maas could see nothing but unreserved strength and loyalty. He began to wonder how he could be so lucky to have a woman like this by his side. In all the worlds, in all the galaxy, she was here by his side; and in that moment, he wondered how he could be so weak. He was disgusted with himself. He composed himself and laid his hand on top of one of hers. 

"They have the files," he said, "but they won't be able to decrypt them without the proper key. Which means, our enemies will have to come to us."

"Yes," Veranda replied with a soft smile. "We'll get through this – together." 

She leaned forward and kissed him, and Maas drew her into his embrace.

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