Chapter 6

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Destin watched as First Order Stormtroopers searched the area, blasters pointed. They searched round tree trunks and poked at bushes.

"Find anything?" one of them asked.

"Not yet," another replied.

"Keep searching."

Then, suddenly, Destin took his chance and popped out from behind a tree.

"Hey!" he shouted.

The Stormtroopers turned and opened fire. Destin dove behind the tree for cover. From the troopers flank, Neema appeared and fired on the Troopers, hitting them dead in their backs. They fell like armored rag dolls to the floor.


Destin and Neema turned and saw more Stormtroopers approaching.

Dodging blaster fire, Destin quickly ran over to one of the fallen Troopers him and Neema dispatched and grabbed a thermal detonator form one of their utility belts. He armed it and threw the grenade towards the Troopers now chasing after them.

"Let's go!!!" Destin shouted to Neema.

As the detonator exploded behind them, Destin picked a blaster from another dead Trooper's hands and gestured Neema to run as the rest of the surviving Stormtroopers chased after them. They ran, dodging trees and the incoming fire behind them. Destin and Neema fired their blasters blindly back at their pursuers, trying to keep them at bay.

"Come on! We're getting close!" Neema shouted.

"Where's your ship!?" Destin asked as he fired.

"Just outside the treeline! Hurry!"

Destin watched Neema in front of him. She was fast. Really fast. He was almost falling behind. Just ahead was the end of the woods. Destin could see the sun breaking through the branches. 

Neema was the first to break through the tree line. Her ship, The Nighthawk, laid in a large clearing just outside the woods and she could see her co-pilot Bozin as he walked down it's reclined cargo ramp.

"Bozin!!!" Neema waved over to him.

"Neema!!" He shouted back. "Where have you been!? I've been trying to reach you!" 

"Bozin! Start the ship!"

"What!?" Bozin replied, confused.

"The ship! Start the ship!!!" Neema shouted.

"Why?" Bozin asked.

Just then, a blaster shot rebounded off the cargo ramp, striking dangerously close to Bozin's head. Bozin screamed. 


Neema turned 180 and shot back with her blaster, hitting the Trooper who fired square in the chest, sending him to the ground. Bozin drew the blaster on his hip in panic and fired wildly back at the Stormtroopers.

"Where'd he go!?" Neema asked.

"Where'd who go!?" Bozin replied.

Destin shouted out to both of them as he appeared before Bozin. "Hey!"

"AHHHHHH!" Bozin panicked and shot Destin square in the chest, knocking him out cold to the floor. "Oh no." he said.

"Bozin!" Neema shouted.

"Was he on our side!!??" Bozin asked.

"You shot him!?"

"I'm sorry! He scared me! You never really showed me how to use this thing!"

Neema ran over to Destin and picked him up admist the blaster fire, throwing him over her shoulder. She fired her blaster at the Troopers with her free hand.

"Is he dead!?" Bozin asked as he fired his weapon. 

"No, he's just stunned," Neema replied.

"What!?" Bozin yelped. "You gave me a stun gun!!?? Are you crazy!!?? What if I needed to defend myself!? Like right now for instance!!!"

"Well now you know why I didn't trust you with a real blaster!" Neema continued to fire.

"I could've died!"



"START THE SHIP!!!" Neema shouted.

"OK!!" Bozin barked.


"I'M GOING!!!"


"I'M GOING!!!"

Neema handed Destin to Bozin who then carried him into the ship. Neema laid in as she fired back at the Stormtroopers. Inside, Bozin set Destin down on one of the ships bunks in the common area and then ran into the cockpit. He took the controls, pressing buttons in sequence, bringing the ship to life. He slowly began to lift it off the ground with the controls. Neema made her last round of shots as she retreated back into the ship via the cargo ramp . It closed up into the hull. She rushed to the cockpit and joined Bozin, sitting in the pilot's chair next to him and helped with the flight sequencing. The ship flew upwards and turned, its nose aiming for the sky. Then with a thrust of the flightstick, Bozin engaged the ship's engines and flew into the atmosphere. 


From the surface, Admiral Maas watched as the ship and the woman with his holocron began it's ascent. He pulled out his blaster quickly, aimed, and shot a tracking beacon onto it's hull just before it was out of range. His Troopers continued firing on the ship as it escaped into the atmosphere. He was so close to retrieving the holocron, missing his chance only by a hair. The chase would continue and that infuriated him.


The Nighthawk broke the atmosphere of Dodoran and jumped to hyperspace. Neema took a deep breath as the stars elongated into white lines. She sunk back in her chair, relieved to have made it off the planet in one piece, with the holocron no less. Bozin looked at Neema

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said with an exhale.

Neema rose from her pilot's chair and headed back towards the living area of the ship where Destin now laid. He was sprawled on one of the recliners bolted to the inner bulkhead of the ship. Neema stood over him, her eyes furrowed.

"Is he going to be okay?" Bozin asked from the cockpit.

"He'll be fine," Neema replied.

"Are we going to be okay?"

"Just keep us in hyperspace."

There was a small beat as Bozin locked in the autopilot and twirled his pilot's chair around to face Neema.

"Who is that guy?" he asked, gesturing to Destin.

"I'm not sure," Neema replied, "But he saved me."

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