Chapter 29

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It had become known, or at least rumored, that the Resistance was long supported by like minded New Republic senators funding the effort. So, Destin half-expected The Resistance to be a shabby collective of fighters knowing they only had a handful of sympathizers within the state. Still, he could not help but be impressed by their resourcefulness. For a rag-tag band of rebels, their base was certainly well equipped. It was a cacophony of species and technology from all over the galaxy, bringing together anything and everything that could aid the fight against The First Order. It was an underground base, its halls and rooms built into the small hillsides of D'Qar, reducing the chance for detection for surface scans, Commander Sloan had explained. 

She led Destin and Neema from the infirmary through the bustling halls of soldiers and intelligence workers to the Center for Command Intelligence of Resistance HQ. It was a small circular room of which three leveled rows of holo-computers and intelligence officers were situated. Three flights of steps separated each row as they sunk towards a gathering pit in the center of the room, where a holotable stood. Sloan stood beside it, waiting for them, and gestured for Neema and Destin to join her. Neema began to walk down the steps, but before Destin could follow, Bozin appeared in front of him.

"Destin!" Bozin shouted, gathering the attention of everyone in the room. Bozin swooped Destin in a huge hug and squeezed tight. "It's great to see you up and kicking again man!" He released him. "How you feeling? You had us worried!"

"I'm doing okay. Thanks," Destin replied.

"They said you lifted an AT-AT in the air with the Force! Just when I thought you couldn't be any more awesome. You gotta tell me how you did that!"

Destin chuckled. "Heh, would that I could."

"Well, I'm just glad you're doing okay man."

"Thanks, Bozin."

"Destin? Bozin?" The both of them turned and saw Sloan aiming for their attention. "Care to join us please?"" she said.

Destin and Bozin did as they were asked and walked down the flight of steps to join Sloan and Neema at the holotable. Once there, she began.

Sloan exhaled. "I apologize for bringing you from rest so quickly but we're short of time. I'd like to begin by thanking all three of you for what you've done for the Resistance. I know what you've been through must've not been easy, but I think you'll be happy to learn that your efforts have not been for nothing. We believe the information you provided us is of great value to the cause."

"How so?" Neema asked.

Sloan took in a breath. "As the First Order rose from the ashes of the Empire, we feared it was plausible that it was done so by Sith hands, hidden within the shadows."

"The Sith?" Destin said.

"The ancient enemies of the Jedi?" Bozin asked.

"Correct," Sloan answered. "And with Supreme Leader Snoke as the figurehead of the Order, as well as other notable figures within his ranks, it was our most probable conclusion. As such, Resistance high command, with strong support from General Organa, thought it necessary to investigate any and all potential threats regarding the Sith."

"So the intelligence agent you sent to infiltrate Maas' Super Star Destroyer...?" Neema interjected.

"He wasn't looking for troop movements," Slaon affirmed. "He was looking for any information regarding the Sith."

Neema rubbed her chin. "I see now. That's why everyone is so hellbent on finding the holocron. He must of found something."

"Well, that's what we hope." Sloan replied.

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