Chapter 25

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Neema ran as she fired at the Shadow Troopers closing in on her. The troopers fired back with their sidearms. They drew closer and closer. Neema found cover behind another tree and waited. She listened for the Shadow Troopers' footsteps, and just before one of them passed by, she popped out and struck him with a heavy close liner against his helmet. The Trooper fell backwards to the ground hard. Then, his comrade caught up and engaged her. She struggled, but she was not about to lose a second time to these bucket heads. She began to take the advantage, but soon the other Shadow Trooper recovered and joined in on the fight once again. They began to overwhelm her. Neema fell backwards as she took a right hook from one of the them. She saw the holocron fall out of her inner jacket pocket and roll away. Maas walked toward it and picked it up in his hand. He looked at Neema, smiling.

"Kill her," he said.

The Shadow Trooper stood over her and raised his vibroblade. He struck down, but before his blade could connect, a bright blue saber came between it and her. Neema heard a loud 'vooom' as Destin parried the troopers blade away with his lightsaber, staggering the Trooper back. Destin turned to her and held out his hand. Neema smiled and took it as he lifted her to her feet. 

"You ok?" Destin asked.

"Yeah..." Neema replied, grateful for his timing. 

They smiled at one another and charged for the Shadow Troopers. Now, it was their turn to do some damage. 


Destin and Neema fought side by side, complimenting one another with ease. Destin parried away one of the Troopers strikes as Neema struck a sidekick to his gut. The Trooper staggered back, and Destin stepped forward to engage him. The second Trooper charged at Neema, slashing downwards at her with his vibroblade. Neema stopped his strike, catching the trooper's wrist in her hand and twirled, twisting the Trooper's arm behind his back. She shot at the back of Trooper's kneecap and he fumbled forward to his knees in pain. A final shot to the back of his armor and he was dead to the floor. Neema looked forwards and saw the other Trooper had Destin's neck wrapped around his arm. She raised her blaster and cried out to him.


Destin saw Neema's blaster pointed and made his move. He stomped on the flat of the Trooper's foot with his heal. The Trooper cried out in pain and Destin pulled the Trooper's arm off his neck and elbowed him in the gut. Destin followed with a sidekick to the Trooper's chest and Neema yelled out, "Duck!" Destin lowered himself and Neema fired her blaster, landing a searing shot through the Shadow Trooper's helmet. He fell backwards, dead and out for the count.

Destin stood, breathing heavily.

"You ok?" Neema asked Destin.

"Yeah. You?" he responded.

"Yeah, I'm good."

Destin looked around. "Where's Maas?"

Neema looked around, and saw that Maas was nowhere to be found. "He's gone."

"Damn it!" Destin cursed.

Neema refocused herself. "Come on," she said. "We need to get off this planet."

"But Maas has the holocron." Destin replied.

"Trust me, he doesn't." Neema said. 

Destin looked at her, confused. 

"Just trust me," she said. "Come on! Follow me!" Destin hesitated. "Come on!" Neema repeated.

Finally Destin gave in and followed as Neema ran. 

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