Chapter 21

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Destin woke up the next morning feeling surprisingly well rested. Talking with Neema the day before may not have given him all the answers he needed, but speaking with her about his past and she hers gave him a feeling of release and calm. It was nice to get everything out in the air, especially to someone who was actually willing to hear him. He felt as if he was making...well, friends, with her and Bozin. He didn't want to say it outright. The concept was still somewhat foreign to him. He could hardly remember having friends on his homeworld, and ever since he left, friends was a luxury he couldn't afford. His master, Bahda was, at best, a scapegoat for loneliness, and even then Bahda's abrasive personality didn't offer much in the regard for solidarity. That being said, Destin was grateful for the company he had now, knowing that they all shared a similar purpose, even if it might be temporary.

Beside him on the sofa, Bozin snored away, his body contorted in a splay of bliss sleep. Destin grinned. He stood, rising from the blankets that covered him and slipped on his boots. He slipped on a jacket Dedra had left out for him to use and walked out the back door of her house. He stepped out onto the wooden deck onlooking the open grass land that lead to the treeline of forest ahead. He took in a deep breath of the damp morning air and relished in the warmth of the morning sun. He rested his arms on the fence lining of the patio edge and leaned his chin on them. It was a good day, he thought. He heard the back door open behind him. He turned, and saw Neema step out with a heavy fur blanket enveloped around her, protecting her from the chill. She gave Destin a small smile.

"Morning," Destin said.

"Morning," Neema replied as she joined him on the patio.

Destin was a little surprised how good it felt to see her.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Good. You?"

"Pretty good."


An awkward silence caught between them and they laughed. It was a little strange, sharing this moment together. It was silent and almost intimate, but they found solace in watching the morning sun rise. Neema rustled underneath her blanket, trying to rest it more securely over her shoulders, then she finally spoke.

"Nice morning, huh?" she regarded.

"Yeah," Destin replied.

"You rarely get sunny mornings like this on Tormir. It rains nearly all year. That's why this planet has so much plant life."

"It's incredible," Destin said. 

"Yeah." Neema paused. "Destin?" she said. Her voice turned soft, almost choked.

"Yeah?" Destin acknowledged.

Neema paused. "I've been thinking. This may seem out of the blue, but...there's something I'd like to talk to you about...but, before I do, I want to ask you something first."

Destin was a little taken aback. "Okay.." he said.

Neema took in a deep breath. "How long ago was it when the First Order attacked your home?"

Destin eyes furrowed, curios at her question, but he answered. "Um...I was ten when they came, so...ten years? Yeah, it's been ten years."

"And what was the name of your homeworld?" she asked.

Destin hesitated for a second. "Nag Ubdur. Here in the Outer Rim," he answered.

Neema's head lowered. "That's what I was afraid of..."

Destin became concerned, wondering where these questions were coming from. He noticed the conflict in Neema's eyes. " ok?" he asked. "What's wrong?"

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