Chapter 12

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Destin ran through the busy streets of Hutta Town as he chased after the dark-armored Trooper ahead of him. Civilians cried and shouted as Destin pushed them aside, aiming to keep the Shadow Trooper ahead of him in sight. Neema finally caught up to Destin, running at his side. The Shadow Trooper ran with incredible speed and finesse, dodging and twirling around civilians with effortless fluidity. He vaulted over a market stand and and slid under another, all with the holocron in hand. Destin and Neema kept pace, not about to let him get away. Just then, a second Shadow Trooper appeared, joining with the first. They acknowledged one another  exchanged hands between them, concealing whom took the holocron and who didn't. The first clambered up the market stands of the street, making his way atop the shanties of the town. The second, continued down the market.

"They're splitting up!" Neema cried out. She pointed to the Trooper atop the shanty roofs. "You go after that one! I got the one on the street! Comm me when you have him!"

"Got it!" Destin responded. 

Destin clambered up a disposal crate against the brick wall of one of the shanties and with a push upwards of his feet he caught the edge of the roof and pulled himself up. He spotted the Trooper ahead and gave chase. The Shadow Trooper ran across the makeshift bridges on the roofs and cleared alley gaps while Destin kept at heel. The Trooper broke through the glass window of one of the overlooking shanties and raced across the living area inside. Destin followed, frightening a poor Ugnaught family as they sat down for dinner. As he came through the window on the other end, he spotted the Trooper making his way down a concrete stairwell that led to the lower level district. Destin kept to the roofs, clearing another alley gap and barrel rolling as he landed. The Trooper below him turned a hard left into an adjacent alleyway. Destin spotted his chance. He reached the edge of the shanty roof and leapt, soaring down onto the Trooper. He caught onto the Shadow Trooper's shoulder's with his legs and thrusted his body forward, flipping the Trooper on his back. Destin rolled away as the Trooper rolled and lifted himself from the ground. They stood, hands raised and ready for a fight.

The Shadow Trooper reached behind him and drew the vibroblades attached to his back. With a press of a button on their hilts, electricity hummed through their coils. Destin reached for his lightsaber, but hesitated, realizing someone could be watching He couldn't risk his exposure - not here. Too many witnesses. Destin decided to fight without it and raised his hands, ready to counter. The Trooper charged and attacked with a downward slash of his right vibroblade and followed with an upward strike with both. Destin dodged the trooper's slashes, pacing backwards as he did so. He held his own as best he could, but it was made abundantly clear that this Trooper was an experienced fighter. Destin parried, dodged, and ducked, barely escaping the electric strikes of the Trooper's vibroblades. Finally, Destin caught onto a downward strike and twisted the Trooper's arm behind his back, twirling his body with momentum and slamming the Trooper into one of the alley walls. The Trooper hit face first, cracking his helmet, and fell backwards to the floor. Destin took a breath, standing over the now unconscious Trooper. He kneeled and searched the Shadow Trooper's utility belt for the holocron. Nothing.

"Damn!" he cursed.

This trooper was the diversion - which meant...



Neema was led to the outskirts of Hutta Town. The Trooper made his way to the less populated area of the capital city, filled with nothing but abandoned buildings and starving civilians on the street. The only light that illuminated the area was what little made it to this district from the market at the center of the city. Neema was alone and lost, searching the grey and gloomy alleyways for the Shadow Trooper who may have the holocron she so desperately needed. Neema drew her blaster. She turned a corner and aimed it down the alley. No one in sight. She slowly paced forward, her blaster pointed and ready to fire. Just then, she heard the hum of charging blasters from behind her.

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