Chapter 33

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The lift slowed and the door opened. Maas exited and Destin watched as he entered into a empty circular room. It's walls were that of black, volcanic obsidian and a small console stood In the center of the room. Mass walks toward it. Keeping a safe distance, Destin followed.

Maas turned to face Destin and gestured towards the console. 

"This is our center control terminal," he said. "All the files of the data drives in the level above can be accessed from here, including some with restricted access. There is one particular file I'd like to show you."

"I'm in no mood for games, Maas," Destin said.

"This is no game, I assure you."

Maas faced the console and pressed some buttons. Soon, the walls of the room lit up as giant vid screens. Footage of a battle fought between the First Order and the Resistance played on screen.

"What is this?" Destin asked.

"This is the planet, Lothal," Maas said as he watched with Destin. "It has been under our occupation since the early days of the Galactic Empire."

The screens showed Tie Fighters and Resistance X-Wings fighting in the sky above a cluster of city skyscrapers.

"What are those buildings?" Destin asked.

"That is Lothal Academy," Maas said. "It's one of the finest military academies the Empire has ever created. Every teacher, a highly qualified and experienced officer of The First Order; every recruit, a willing and dedicated prodigy to our cause. This academy has spawned some of the greatest officers in our navy today, all specializing in aspects of political relations, weapons development, medical research, military strategy –"

"- genocide?" Destin finished.

Maas took a beat. "Those within the First Order and The Resistance are not so different as you might think, Destin," he said.

"My family would beg to differ," Destin said with derision.

"We both seek the same thing, Destin." Maas continued. "Peace, order, justice. Only our methods differ."

"That we can agree on," Destin replied.

"And which is the better? Do you really believe liberation from our rule can bring peace?"

Destin hesitated. "Liberty can be messy, Maas, but it is priceless."

Maas chuckled. "That's a boy's answer. Ideals are all well and good, but they mean nothing if they cannot be affixed to reality. Now, watch."

Maas nodded towards the screens. Destin watched the video feed continue. An alarm went off in the military academy. It's occupants soon became frightened and scattered for cover.

"What's happening?" Destin asked.

Maas spoke. "On this particular day, the Resistance saw fit to liberate the planet Lothal from The First Order. This is the resulting battle that ensued."

The video feed played on. In the sky above the academy, Resistance Star Cruisers appeared outside the atmosphere of the planet as they slipped out of light speed. Soon, X-Wings escorting landing shuttles descended from the sky. X-wings and Tie Fighters engaged in dog fights above  as the Resistance Fighters exited the landing ships on the ground and began to exchange fire with First Order Strormtroopers.

"This military academy was one of the finest in the galaxy," Maas continued. "It raised soldiers from childhood to become the greatest pioneers to peace the galaxy has ever seen."

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