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Malachor's Sith temple was dark and grand. It's entrance was met with a wide gaping mouth made of looming pillars and pointed arches covered in text written in the "old tounge." The grand hall burrowed deep into the structure and at its far end stood a tall black pyramid made of anchorite obsidian. A steep staircase was chiseled into its front face and at the top of those steps, the point of the pyramid had been cut, leaving a flat surface remaining where Snoke's throne sat. The air filled in a cacophony of the Dark Side of the Force as Snoke sat upon his mantle, his presence exuding the very darkness of his being. There, kneeling before him, a young Sith Ventress, dressed in ceremonial black and red Sith robes bowed her head in veneration to her Supreme Leader and master. Snoke spoke, his sinister voice echoing across the temple's massive walls.

"The Jedi are tenacious. They are a flame set upon a sea of oil, persistent to turn our dreams to cinder. Their ideology spreads and consumes our subjects like wildfire. If they are not extinguished, their notions of freedom and liberty will corrupt all. Without a proper hand to guide it, the galaxy will be steered into nothing but anarchy and destruction. Only the Sith know the true way to peace and order; and so, it falls upon us to eliminate the Jedi, once and for all. For that, I call upon you, the strongest of your kin, for this task. You have passed every test, every trial, every initiation. Do this final task for me and your training will be complete. Do this and you will be ready to uptake your rightful mantle as a Sith Lord. Find your forgotten brother, Destin Starfall, and end his life."

Solara raised her head and said, "Yes, my master."

To be continued...

STAR WARS: Gray JediHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin