Chapter 16

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Destin watched from the cockpit as heavy rain spattered against the windshield of The Nighthawk, descending through the clouds of Tormir's atmosphere. When the ship finally broke through the clouds, Tormir's surface was revealed. The sky was covered in unrelenting rainfall blanketing  the unimaginably tall forest trees on the land. Destin was overwhelmed by just how many there were. He couldn't see one inch of the surface that wasn't covered by them. It almost reminded him of Kashykk, the Wookie homewrold, the entire planet taken over by nothing but wildlife. 

Bozin pointed ahead of them, outside the cockpit's window. "There it is," he said.

It wasn't until Bozin flew closer to the surface that he saw what he was pointing too. As they drew nearer, Destin spotted the top body of an abandoned imperial AT-AT at the end of the forest's tree line. Beyond that, the land broke into a wide, circular, man-cleared area with a small town at the same edge of the AT-AT. Bozin flew the ship over the giant war machine and landed in a designated landing zone at the far side of the town.

Bozin lowered the cargo ramp and both him and Destin floated Neema down on a hover gurney. An older woman met them at the end of the ramp.

"Bozin!" the woman cried out as she ran to Neema's side.

"Dedra!" Bozin responded.

"How is she?" Dedra asked.

"She needs help."

"Right. Bring her inside. Hurry." 

Dedra waved over to a young man close by, who helped bring Neema into a multi story building not too far away. Destin stood, watching them pull her inside. He sighed, the feint weight of guilt pulling on the inside of his chest.  He turned and looked out towards the town, where the AT-AT stood in the distance. He stared at it for a moment, watching it's mechanical, beastly face as it overlooked the town and couldn't help but feel as if the First Order's eyes hadn't turned their gaze from them yet. Destin turned away, almost spooked by its lifelessness and walked to join the others.

Inside, Neema was ushered by Dedra and the young man at her side Destin later heard her call Samson. They glided Neema through a hallway that ran parallel against a staircase to the right of a wide living area. They passed it and the kitchen beyond into a backroom at the end of the hall. Destin and Bozin stood at the door as Dedra and Samson lifted Neema onto the bed inside. 

Dedra walked past Destin and Bozin and turned to holler down the hallway. 

"Sasha," she called, "take the little ones upstairs and get them to bed. Go on now." 

Destin turned and saw a young teenage girl at the other end of the hall. Behind her were three little children looking on with curious and concerned faces.

"Yes, Mama," the teenage girl named Sasha replied. She turned and ushered the small children up the staircase.

Dedra turned to Destin and Bozin. "Samson and I will take it from here," she said. "There should be some warm towels in the cupboard in the the washroom upstairs. You can get yourselves cleaned up. This may take a while"

"Right," Bozin replied. "Take care of her, Dedra."

"We will." Dedra nodded at Destin and retreated back into the room, closing the door behind her.

Bozin looked to Destin. "Don't worry," he said. "Neema's in good hands. Come on." 

Bozin walked past him placing a hand on Destin's shoulder as he left. Destin took one last look at the door between him and Neema, hoping she'd be alright. Then, he followed Bozin.

STAR WARS: Gray Jediحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن