Chapter 17

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Dedra  hesitated for a moment."I shouldn't really say, saved her life, so I suppose you've earned the right to know a little bit about her." 

She straightened herself up and began. Destin focused his attention.

 "Well, you know that she escaped a First Order prison," Dedra said,  "but you may be surprised to know that before making it to the Resistance, Neema came here."

"She did?" Destin said.

"She did," Dedra replied. "She had stolen one of the Imperial ships they had at the prison station and made a quick jump to light speed, barely making it out of there in one piece. Her ship was in real bad shape when she arrived here on Tormir - low on fuel and supplies, and the hull was barely holding together, but it was Neema who was in worse condition. She stumbled out of that ship, barely clinging onto life. I've must've been crazy for taking her in. She could've been the enemy for all I knew. But I figured she was in no shape to hurt anyone even if she wanted to. So, I brought her inside and treated her as best I could. When she finally came to, she told me what had happened to her. Poor thing. And then it happened."

"Then what happened?" Destin asked.

"The children. She became...enamored by them."

"You mean? ...The ones I saw when we came in...are they yours?"

"In a manner of speaking. I'm their foster mother," Dedra said. 

"You mean they're-"

"Orphans?" Dedra interjected, "Yes. War orphans to be more precise. Children who lost their families in the war between the Resistance and the First Order. This war certainly takes it's toll on the galaxy."

Dedra paused for a moment, and Destin could see she was stricken with hurt. Destin knew that feeling. The feeling of your life being forever changed by a war you never wanted a part of. It was like someone stealing away your destiny, stealing away any choices you wish you could've made for your future...your dreams. Dedra continued...

"As you can imagine," she said, "during Neema's time here, the children grew a fascination towards her, and she with them. It was during that time that Neema began to understand the true influence of the First Order's reach - and because of that, she decided to seek out the Resistance. However, it wasn't long before the First Order were hot on her tail again, and she had to leave us prematurely, even before making a full recovery. Luckily, she made it to the Resistance before they could reach her."

"And that's how we met," Bozin said with a grin.

"Never thought we'd see her again," Dedra continued, "but she came back after a time, and now does so often. She even brings Bozin along from time to time. The children have taken a liking to him as well."

"They call me Uncle Bozy," Bozin grinned.

Destin smiled.

Dedra exhaled. "Yeah, Neema may seem tough - and she is - but she has a big heart. She's taken good care of us, going so far as to providing anything we might need here – she's even sent us a decent amount of funds to keep the orphanage going. So...," Dedra stood and walked around the island to Destin, looked him in the eyes, and took his hands into hers, "...thank you," she said. "Thank you for saving our Neema."

Destin was almost taken aback, but he was able to muster out an "Of course." Destin saw a tear began to form on the edge of Dedra's eye, but she wiped it before it could fall to her cheek.

"I'm not sure who you are, but I can sense you have a good heart," Dedra said, as she laid her palm on Destin's chest.

Destin smiled and replied with a simple, "Thank you."

Well," Dedra stepped back, "I better see the children to bed. Get some rest myself. It's been a long night. Please, help yourself to as much food as you like. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other later, Destin. I'd like to learn more about you and your journey. If you'd oblige an old woman that is."

"Yes. Thank you. That would be an honor," said Destin.

Dedra nodded her head. "Bozin, you know where the extra sheets are. You two can sleep in the living area. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Destin responded.

"Goodnight, Dedra," Bozin said.

And with that, Dedra headed upstairs. Destin watched her go, and as she disappeared into the darkness at the top of the staircase, Destin turned his head and looked toward the room where Neema was, and hoped with all his heart that she was resting well tonight.

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