Chapter 10

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Destin had always enjoyed going to Nar Shadaa. Located in the Hutt Space region of the Outer Rim Territories, it's surface was covered entirely in urban sprawl. It was much like Courascant, if Courascant had an unruly cousin with questionable motives. As Neema and Bozin exited The Nighthawk from hyperspace, he could see the city lights illuminating the planet from his view in the cockpit. When they finally lowered to the surface and landed in one of the spaceports, Destin couldn't wait to get a look of the capital city again, aptly named Hutta Town. It was made up of huge tower blocks with a patchwork of shanty town structures the locals called 'skyslums.' The streets were riddled with vendors and black market dealers selling their latest, most likely illegal, acquisitions. The city was populated with species from every corner of the galaxy, even some species Destin had never seen before. Every area was a cacophony of night lights and chatter, and Destin couldn't help but take it all in every time he was here. It was a place for shady characters and dangerous dealings, for dangerous ventures and endless opportunities. Far from the reaches of the First Order, Nar Shadaa was certainly it's own character.

Gaping at everything around him, Destin almost didn't hear Neema as she called out to him. 

"Hey! Over here!" 

Neema pointed to the inside of the local cantina she stood outside of. The sign above the door read, The Crimson Dragon.

He had almost forgotten why they were here. Neema said she had an old contact that may be able help them hack into holocron they retrieved. Supposedly, her contact wasn't just a bar owner, but a slicer, and quote, "Wasn't afraid of dirty work, if it interested him." 

Inside, it was lively, with chatter and drinks all around. Much like outside, the cantina had its fair share of variety in both species and character.

"This way," Neema gestured.

Destin and Bozin followed Neema to the bar where they were met by a large Besalisk bartender. He was a humanoid being with an inflatable, fat wattle and each of his four arms rose in joy as she approached.

"Neema Kin!" he exclaimed, "What a pleasant surprise! It's been a while. Come, come! Take a load off!" 

The Besalisk gestured to the bar stools.

"Hey there, Rozack," Neema acknowldged.

Rozack turned and saw Bozin standing beside Destin. "Bozin? What a treat. Good to see you, boy. Here to indulge in the best spirits in the galaxy?"

"No, no," Neema interjected before Bozin could answer.

"Oh, come on," Bozin whined, "Just one drink."

"No," Neema said. "We're here to see Holloway."

"You mean you didn't come here just to see this beautiful ol' mug of mine?" Rozack said as he set two of his arms on the bar and rested his head in his hand, trying to present a doting face and failing.

"Afraid not, Rozack," Neema said, playing in on the joke.

"Oh, don't be so stingy now," Rozack replied. "Just give us one small kiss." He said, patting his index finger on his lower lip.

"Go get Holloway," Neema said with a smirk.

"Agh, one day Neema Kin. One day. Wait here. I'll go fetch that winded up wippersnapper" 

Rozack chuckled and retreated to a back door at the end of the bar.

"And while we wait," Bozin said cheerfully. I'm going to get us some drinks."

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