Chapter 30

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Maas's shuttle flew out of the hanger bay of The Endeavor, descending towards the atmosphere of Strakiller Base. He. had always marveled at this military masterpiece as it came into view through the shuttle window. An entire planet who's center was made into the deadliest weapon the galaxy had ever known. It's equator was trenched into a massive plasma canon that could destroy entire galactic systems, just like it had done to the Hosninan system, the capital of the New Republic. A true weapon worthy of the First Order. 

Maas' shuttle landed on a platform just outside the main central station of the base and it's ramp reclined down.  Admiral Maas exited with a squadron of his personal Stormtroopers following close behind. Once inside the station, Maas headed immediately to a private communications room and began hailing a signal on the holo-plinth inside. He had no time to waste. A holo-image of Supreme Leader Snoke rose above it's surface. 

"Admiral," Snoke remarked.

Maas bowed. "Supreme Leader."

"Have you retrieved the holocron?"

"Yes, my lord, but it seems its files were wiped."

"Wiped!?" Snoke growled.

"Apologies," Maas said as calmly as he could. "There have been significant interferences."

"Interferences?" Snoke's face contorted in anger. "I grow tired of your excuses, Admiral!"

"Apologies, Supreme Leader." Maas bowed again.

"And I grow sick of these sycophantic apologies. Your incompetence is most disappointing."

"My lord," Maas continued "it seems the Resistance is being aided by a Jedi."

Snoke paused. "Skywalker?" he asked.

"No, my lord," Maas replied. "Another. One far younger than Skywalker."

"Impossible." Snoke said.

"I believed so too, my lord. However, this young man's skills are unmistakable. He is indeed a Jedi trained in the ways of the Force."

"The Jedi must not be allowed to rise," said Snoke. We must deal with this."

Maas straightened himself. It was important that he stood firm. "My lord, the Resistance has the holocron's data files. However, they will not be able to interpret its meaning without the encryption key found only here within StarKiller Bases' data houses - meaning they will have no choice but to come to us."

Snoke rubbed his chin. "Are you suggesting laying a trap, Admiral?"

"Yes, my lord. This bases' defenses are impenetrable. Their attempt to infiltrate the data houses would be futile to say the least." 

Maas had Snoke's interest, just where he needed him to be. Stars knew, Maas was playing with fire. He was walking on embers as it was and he needed to be careful not to stoke the flames any further. He needed to play this right. He had spent his entire trip to Starkiller Base working on how he would able to convince the Supreme Leader that he could get the situation under control. After much deliberation with Veranda, he had decided the best course of action was to stand firm and present only facts and solutions. Excuses and half-thought out plans would not fly with Snoke, but Maas could sense he had performed his plan perfectly. All he had to do was wait for the Supreme Leader's blessing now. 

"How can you be certain this Jedi will attempt to retrieve the encryption key?" asked Snoke.

"He is...tenacious, my lord."

Snoke paused as one of his eyebrows raised. His silence made Maas tense. 

"Very well." Snoke finally said. "Make your preparations."

"Thank you, my lord." Maas bowed once more. Now came the tricky part.  "There is one more thing," he added.

"What is it?" Snoke asked.

"It seems this Jedi is the sibling to one of our apprentice's. As such, I believe it may be possible to sway him to our cause."

Snoke raised his chin. "Bring him over to the Dark Side?" he asked.

"Precisely, my lord. I would be remiss to call his skills...remarkable. He could prove to be a powerful ally."

"Will you be able to handle this task, Admiral?"

"I am certain I can," Maas affirmed.

Snoke rose his finger to Maas. "Careful, Admiral. An animal is most dangerous when cornered."

Maas held his ground as best he could. "I will not fail, my lord," he said.

"I need not remind you of the consequences should you do," Snoke remarked. "The Resistance must not know of our plans. I can afford no loose ends, Admiral. That includes you. Your fate is now your own. Turn this Jedi or kill him. Do you understand?"

"Completely, my lord." Maas answered.

Snoke reclined back in his throne. "Contact me when it's done."

"Yes, my lord. Thank you, my lord." Maas bowed one final time and Snoke's holo-image dissipated.

Just then, Veranda entered the room, her datapad in hand.

 "Admiral?" she said.

Maas turned to face her. "Commander, oversee preparations. Our guests will be on their way. We must be ready."

Veramda straightened, and with a slight smile on her face she said, "Yes, Admiral."

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