Robbie Jennings- Ill (h)

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Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging One Shot

You hated being ill, granted it was unlikely that anyone actually enjoyed it but whenever you got ill it just completely threw you.

Robbie had seen you ill a fair few times which was expected given how long you'd both been together, but you still felt awful whenever he tried to help you.

You'd been staying at Robbie's house whilst your parents were on holiday, Georgia had stayed home to look after Libby with her boyfriend, and it had been just your luck to get ill whilst staying over.

It was an absolutely rotten cold that left you sneezing and coughing, and the coughing had given you a sore throat which was just plain horrid. As a cold often made you feel drained, this one was no different, you were just feeling out of energy and Robbie had been doing everything he could to help you feel better.

You felt awful that he was practically running around to get things for you as well as working in the shop.

"Hey baby," Robbie greeted you as he came into his room with a steaming mug in his hand.

You smiled up at him from your spot on the bed where you were wrapped up in a blanket. "Hey," you greeted but then winced at how talking hurt your throat.

"Drink this," he told you as he handed you your favourite mug. "You'll feel better."

When you smelt the mug, you smiled at your boyfriend, he'd made you a cup of your favourite hot chocolate and you found yourself wondered just how you'd gotten so lucky.

Robbie shuffled so he was sitting next to you on the bed and he pulled you into his side. "I hate seeing you so sick baby."

You pouted up at him as you took a sip of your drink. "I suppose it's not that fun for everyone else when they can hear me practically coughing up a lung in here."

Chuckling, Robbie shook his head. "No one minds love, they just want you to get better – Tom went out earlier so he could get you a few bits."

"Like what?" you asked out of curiosity.

Robbie shrugged, a small smile on his face. "Just a few things to make you smile, I'm sure you're his favourite you know," he commented. "He always tells me how you're the little sister you never had," he joked as he kissed your temple.

"Oh, come on, I'm only a year younger than you!" you protested but your protesting caused you to cough, Robbie took your mug off of you, so you didn't spill anything.

Sighing, Robbie shook his head as he looked at you fondly. "Poor baby," he cuddled you once you'd stop coughing, "You'll feel better soon baby."


Written by Hannah.

Tumblr Request.

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