Jamie Taylor- Winter Morning (c)

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The Haunting of Bly Manor One Shot

The bed shifted, waking you from your peaceful slumber. The night still held the darkness within your room, the smallest gleam of morning light cracking through the curtains but there was little to even try and enter the room. You tried to peer through the darkness and saw your girlfriend standing up from the bed and making her way over to your shared wardrobe.

"Jamie?" You yawned.

"Go back to sleep, love," she said softly, pulling on a jumper over the top of her pyjamas.

"What time is it?"

Jamie looked at the alarm clock that she never needed to use to be able to wake up before the larks.

"About quarter past five," she stated. "Go back to sleep and I'll wake you for breakfast in a couple of hours."

You narrowed your eyes at her, partially to try and see through the darkness but also to disapprove of her. One of the things you had gotten used to when dating Jamie was her early rising, as a gardener she was awake before any normal person to get her work done before the sun rose and interfered.

"It's so cold, come back to bed," you said, patting the bed by your side, wishing her back to join you under the covers.

Snow covered the grounds of the house, hiding most of the life deep underneath, leaving very little vegetation popping out of the white blanket of snow. Even with winter taking over the gardens, Jamie still headed out in the morning to try and get work done but you doubted there was much that she could do.

"I wish I could, love," she smiled softly. "But I've got work to do, and the plants don't have a nice warm bed or a loving girlfriend to take care of them."

"They managed to survive the night in the snow, I'm sure they can handle a little longer so that you can stay in bed with me," you whined, pulling the quilt back so that she would be able to get into bed beside you although you knew well enough that she wasn't going to do that as you had attempted to beg her back to bed on more than one chilly winter morning.

Jamie made her way over to the bed but to your side of the bed rather than her own side. She leant down and pressed her lips to your forehead.

"I won't be long. I'll just do my rounds then get some tea brewing before I wake you up to join me," she assured you. "Then I will be all yours to cuddle and keep warm with."

You offered her a lazy smile. "Hurry back."


Written by Charlotte.

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