Max Black- Drunk: Part 1 (a)

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2 Broke Girls One Shot

Soft, cosy pyjamas caressed your body, the doors and windows had been locked and you had just slipped underneath your sheet and tucked it tightly up to your chin, ready for whatever sweet dreams were awaiting you that night. Your eyes slowly felt heavier and heavier, seemingly closing for longer every time you blinked until finally they closed for what would have been a restful night.

"HEY!" A voice from inside your apartment jolted you harshly awake, in your half asleep state though, nothing it said seemed to make sense. Being prepared for theses situations was key, you wrapped your hand around the dented aluminium bat you kept at your bedside and waited, poised to strike. The handle of your bedroom door crept downwards, as the door swung open Max, your recent ex, fell in with it and tumbled onto your bed. "You don't mind if I... if I stay the night, right? I got a litt... a little bit drunk and I don't have time to get lost on the subway. I have a busy, busy day tomorrow." Before she could finish her sentiment, she was snoring and dribbling all over your bed spread, her upper body stretched out across your bed and her lower half dangling off and onto the floor. Max was the hardest person to convince normally, but trying to get her drunken, dead weight into a comfortable position on the bed was a titan task, and one that took up enough more time than you anticipated. Eventually though, you had managed to wipe her make up off with some wipes that she had left in your bathroom, get her head on a pillow and manoeuvre her body into the curled up position that she normally adjusted to in bed. You didn't have any of Max's clothes like you did make up wipes, but you presumed she wouldn't want to sleep in her shoes, winter coat and gloves.

To begin with you thought this was just your subconscious manifesting itself in a dream, maybe it was the caused by the late night cheese eating, maybe you missed Max more than you thought but either way you didn't want Max to wake up next to you and get the wrong idea so you grabbed a pillow that Max had not claimed and got as relaxed as you could on your small, ripped sofa. You were pretty sure it was actually Max in there and you knew that if it was, your morning was going to be a difficult one.


written by Aaron.

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