Andre Layton- Train (a)

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Snowpiercer One Shot

"I hope you're ready for a fight. One second too late and we're waiting for this baby to circle the world before we get another shot. No way in hell we're still alive by the time that happens." Layton stretched a patched, thick, stone grey hat over his head and tucked a slightly thinner woollen cloth over his mouth and under his eyes. "I need to know that as soon as that train stops and people start running, and there will be a lot of people, that you are ready to run with me. I am not getting on that train without you." From his perch, crouched out of the Snowpiercer's guards view Layton outstretched his icy fingers and held tightly onto your gloved hand. The thundering, rhythmic churn of the trains engine pushing it's one thousand and one carriages up the track could be heard from miles and miles away, if it wasn't for the almost blinding light penetrating the ever falling snow you would have had no idea that the train was nearly here.

"I'm with you every step of the way, don't worry about me. I am more than willing to dodge a few bullets if it means we get a spot."

"That's fine, but are you willing to push other people off? Are you willing to barge that mother and screaming child into the snow if there's only space for us... or them?" You'd seen the faceless soldiers, clad with armour and armed heavily with rifles and arms, you knew that they would be willing to do whatever it would take to keep you from stepping onto those tail carriages. Not once though had you considered how ruthless you would have to be regarding other people fighting to attend.

"Yeah... I'll help who I can but if it's between us and them, I'm wiling to do whatever it will take."

"Good." The rumbling of the train became louder and louder until a harsh whistle of the brakes engaged and the train rolled for what seemed like miles to a stop. Once the train had stopped the guards disengaged their safety, brought the sights to their goggled eyes, and waited with great purpose. "We'll let the first wave go... nobody on the first wave makes it, after that stay as low as you can and just run. Nobody except me cares about what happens to you here, at least that's how you must see it. Don't worry though, I'll keep you safe."


Written by Aaron.

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