Rebecca Jessel- Come Back (c)

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The Haunting of Bly Manor One Shot

Bly Manor seemed the least likely place to find friendship but when the au pair, Rebecca was hired, you certainly let like things had fallen into place. You had worked as a maid in the manor house for quite a while and although you were terribly sad due to the tragedy of your employers deaths, you did your best to keep working and keep supporting the two children in the ways that you always had. When you heard that an au pair was to be hired, you were nervous for the sakes of the children in case she wasn't good for them but she fit in straight away and it didn't take long until you were becoming best friends.

You and Rebecca had a lot in common and ended up spending a lot of time together, at least any free time she had away from the children and Peter Quint. You didn't really approve of the relationship; he didn't seem good for her but as long as she was happy and didn't hurt her then you tried your best to not get involved. That was one of your biggest regrets. You wished you had gotten in the way, told Peter where to shove it and begged Rebecca to rethink the man she felt she loved but it was all too late now. You couldn't bear thinking of the pain she felt when she decided to take her own life, or the pain poor Flora had now after finding her in the lake.

Although you desperately wanted to get out of Bly Manor, you needed to stay for the sake of the children you cared for. Memories of Rebecca haunted you, but you didn't realise that memories wouldn't be all that haunted.

You were clearing out her drawers ready for her to be replaced when you felt as though you were being watched. You peered over your shoulder and ended up losing your balance in shock of what you saw.

There stood Rebecca, stood in a black dress with a gentle smile on her face. You were only scared due to not expecting to see her but just having her there made you feel calmed.

"Rebecca?" You whispered, tears brimming in your eyes. "Is that really you?"

"It's going to be okay," she smiled down at you. "I promise that it will be okay."

As quickly she had appeared, she seized to exist again. You gasped, leaping forward, hoping to be able to grasp her, waving erratically into the space where she had just stood.

"No, come back!" You shouted. "Rebecca, please!"

You let your palms touch the cold wooden floor, letting yourself cry over losing your best friend once again.


Written by Charlotte.

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