Humphrey Goodman- Waves (h)

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Death In Paradise One Shot

It was safe to say that you never imagined your long-distance relationship to turn into one quite literally in paradise.

When you'd first met Humphrey online you hadn't been sure about the future of your relationship, given the fact that he lived in paradise on a lovely island and you were back in the UK.

As it progressed, however, you couldn't quite imagine your life without him.

In one of your video calls before you'd been introduced to Florence and it was thanks to her that you were going to be able to surprise Humphrey.

That surprise had been six months ago – and those six months later you were still on Saint Marie.

Luckily for you you could work from home, and as Humphrey hadn't kicked you out, you'd sort of invited yourself to stay.

As you came to that morning you smiled as you heard the sound of the waves, one of the things that you'd quickly grown to love on Saint Marie.

Humphrey's hand circled your waist as he cuddled up to you. "Morning," he murmured into your neck.

Smiling, you turned round and rested your head on his chest. "Good morning to you."

His eyes opened and softened when they landed on you. "Hm, a good morning indeed."

"I just love those waves" you mused as you got comfortable.

"Well, you shouldn't leave them if you love them so much," he stated, running his fingers up and down your spine.

"And what do you think the waves would say if I didn't want to leave them?" you suggested, understanding his meaning.

He chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "The waves may suggest that you never leave and find a new house."

You sat up so you could face Humphrey, placing your hand on his bare chest. "Are you being serious?"

"Of course," he told you with a blush to his cheeks. "We have been together for over a year my love, why not?"

"So just to be clear you're suggesting that we both live here permanently?" you tried to clarify. "As in move everything out here, both of us work out here?"

He shrugged, his fingers continuing their patterns against your spine. "There's logistics to figure out of course, but that would be the premise, yes."

You pretended to think about it for a moment when in actuality there was no thought needed.

Humphrey was right, the two of you had been together for over a year and you had spent the last six months in Saint Marie with you falling in love with Humphrey and paradise more each day.

"I have one condition," you spoke after a few minutes of silence.

He nodded at you, smiling as he did so.

"Somewhere where we can hear the waves," you stated, lying back down to rest your head on his chest.

"Anything for you my love," he whispered against your hair. "Anything for you."


Written by Hannah.

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