Jesse Pinkman- Bags (a)

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Breaking Bad One Shot

Between the plastic handles cutting the circulation to your fingers and the weight of a weeks' worth of groceries, the journey from the barely running car to the door seemed like a million miles away. You loaded up as many bags as you could, trying to make sure you took as little journeys as possible and began the trek forward over the uneven, leaf scattered pavement, hoping that the best course of action for your twinging back was less forwards and backwards.

"Baby! Open the door!" Your eyes wandered over to check nobody was helping themselves to the goods in your trunk as you set the bags on the floor to give your hands a quick rest. "Jesse!" You shouted again just as the door crept open.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" You bent down to grab the bags again, but Jesse swept them from underneath you and begged you to go and sit down, promising that he would get you something to drink. "I thought I was going to get the groceries once you'd got back from work. I don't want you hurting yourself, you're only just starting to feel better from your back injury." His voice faded as you walked quickly back to the car to grab the remaining bags, Jesse zoomed past, scooped the bags into his arms and made sure the door was locked. "Inside... you've probably had a hard day, it's time to relax."

"I'm fine. My back has not hurt me all day, the stores on my way there is no point me going past it just for you to have to drive all the way up. You hate grocery shopping anyway." You hoped he hadn't noticed the empty painkiller foils that you had made your way through during the work day as he set the bags down on the kitchen floor, filled a tall glass with iced tea and made sure the cushions were extra plump before you sat down.

"It's crowded, I get distracted and somehow I always manage to bring back the wrong stuff but I'd rather have that then you getting injured again. Let me put the groceries away, I'll make us some dinner and then I'll make sure that you don't have to life a finger for the rest of the night. What do you need? Huh? I'll make sure you have uniform for work, I'll do the dishes, anything you need I got you."


Written by Aaron.

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