Sheldon Cooper- Intrusion (h)

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The Big Bang Theory One Shot

It was hard meeting people in your line of work, the likelihood of you meeting someone not in the same profession as you was also low.

Being a part of the FBI wasn't easy, for many obvious reasons, and the fact that you didn't want to always take your work home put you off inter-workplace relationships.

You'd met Sheldon, your boyfriend of six months, through a conference that you had attended – the two of you were interested in similar tings and surprisingly hit it off.

Even though it had been six months you were yet to meet any of Sheldon's friends, not because you didn't want to but because you genuinely hadn't had the time.

Earlier that day you had agreed with Sheldon that the two of you would go for dinner that evening, but when he texted you saying he had an emergency over four hours before your reservations you panicked.

And so, you found yourself driving over to his apartment block, in your civilian clothes with your gun in your hand.

You climbed the flights of stairs quickly and paused for a moment outside his door, noting that you couldn't hear any sounds of a struggle or a genuine emergency, but he had still texted you.

As you shoved the door open with your shoulder, holding up your gun, you prepared for the worst.

What you weren't expecting was the room full of Sheldon's friends with you pointing your gun in their faces – you recognised them all of course, from Sheldon's photos, but you doubted they were expecting a gun to be pointed at them.

"Well, this is new," Howard spoke up in utter confusion.

The rest of Sheldon's friends seemed to share the sentiment whilst Sheldon got up to approach you.

"You came?" he questioned out of surprise.

You looked at him in utter bewilderment as you tucked your gun away. "You told me it was an emergency!"

He chuckled but soon realised his mistake. "I apologise, I didn't realise my wording would cause you to react in such a way."

"When you tell me, you have an emergency Sheldon and then don't reply to the rest of my messages or calls, yes I am going to assume the worst," you explained out of frustration.

Sheldon looked truly apologetic and pulled you into a hug, whilst his friends around you were even more shocked at the fact that Sheldon was willingly hugging you and he looked comfortable whilst dong it.

When you pulled away you faced all of his friends. "I apologise for the intrusion; I am trained to expect the worse in certain situations."

"You have a gun?!" Penny asked as she stared at you.

You smiled as Sheldon stood at your side, winding his arm around your waist. "Yes, it comes with the job."

Leonard looked at you and Sheldon in confusion also. "And what job is that exactly?"

"I'm part of the FBI," you stated.

It was then that the questions truly started to be fired your way, Sheldon sensed that you didn't quite know how to answer them, so he spoke up. "Please do not overwhelm her, it is my fault that Y/N is here in such a fashion and I believe that she did not expected to be introduced to you all so abruptly."

You couldn't help but smile up at Sheldon as you unconsciously cuddled up to his side.

"Wait, this is Y/N?" Leonard questioned again.

"That would be me yes, I'm sorry for the intrusion again but it is lovely to meet you all."


Written by Hannah.

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