John Shelby- Present (c)

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Peaky Blinders One Shot

"Merry Christmas," you heard screamed as a weight landed upon you.

You heard your husband groan from beside you as you were both awoken by the loud noises and bouncing of children on top of the bed.

"Wake up," one of the laughed.

"I'm awake," John grunted, trying to sit up in the bed but it was hard to move around when four children were climbing over the both of you.

"It's Christmas," another yelled.

You managed to sit up beside John, but the movement didn't settle the loud squeals of the children nor their attempts to climb all over you both.

"We bloody know," John huffed.

He wasn't the most pleasant man in the morning, especially not when he was awoken with such a start by such rambunctious children wanting to start their day before the sun was fully risen.

"Why don't you guys head downstairs and see if Santa has left you anything?" You offered to try and distract the kids. "We'll be downstairs in a minute."

They didn't need a second telling before the four of them rushed from your bed and headed down the stairs, sounding like a herd of elephants. You let out a sigh of relief, glad to have a moments peace to wake up.

As you attempted to follow the children and get out of bed, John pulled you back to him, holding you close to him. His lips sleepily connected to your own.

"Merry Christmas, doll," he smiled, his hands wandering down to your rear.

"Merry Christmas, my love," you returned.

He looked your tired form up and down, a happy smile curling onto his lips as he saw his wife.

"Our first Christmas," he said softly. "It'll be unlike any you've had before."

You had only married a couple of months prior and were still finding your place in his home with his children but were doing the best you could to be a mother to them.

"Well hopefully it'll be like all the future ones."

"I've got you the best present any wife could ask for," he bragged, pulling you closer to him. "The kids made you something too, they wouldn't tell me what it is though."

You shrugged your shoulders. "Well I think I have an even better present for you."

"I doubt that," he chuckled.

Originally you had planned on holding out until you were at dinner with his family to tell him but now seemed like a better time, a more intimate time to talk to him about the matter.

"Next year it will be a bigger Christmas," you said.

He cocked an eyebrow at you. "What d'you mean?"

You let your fingers idly wander up his arm, trying to act as though you had to think about the matter instead of it being something that had held onto your mind for a short time.

"Well there will be five children for Santa to visit by then."

It took John a moment, but a joyous smile curled onto his lips as it hit him by what you meant.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, just to make sure.

You nodded your head. "I spoke with a doctor two weeks ago, but I wanted to make it special when I told you."

"This is perfect."


Written by Charlotte.

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