"As much as I would love to take the credit, I never turned you into a killer. You've always been one. If you weren't,your parents would still be alive,don't you think?"

"Don't you dare talk about my parents, you bitch! I didn't kill them!"

"Oh,you're calling me a liar. That's so typical of you,Jessica Muri," she chuckled.

"I feel so sorry for Naomi, imagine giving birth to a beautiful daughter,almost an angel and she has the darkest heart and ends up killing you. It's so-"

I slapped her right across the face and for a split second, I was surprised that it felt really good. I had never realized how badly I wanted to inflict pain on her until now and this made me slap her again,this time harder.

"You do not talk about my mother as if she's your friend. Don't ever talk about my family again."

"Oh,what family are you talking about? Your parents are dead,your brother is going to start a new family with my dearest daughter, now tell me,you still have a family?" She chuckled,piling up bags of anger inside me.

She had always done this to me. Always made me feel guilty of my parents death and like I was worth nothing. She always provoked me,knowing I would do nothing to her because she had always been physically stronger than me but I wasn't the same girl I was two months ago. I had gained some meat and strength. She was also weak tonight because of the silver. I couldn't miss the opportunity.

I sent a punch flying to her cheek,making her spit out a little bit of blood and I couldn't be more proud of myself.

I teared the scarf she always wrapped around her brainless head and jumped on the sofa and then jerked her neck with it. This was it. First kill for myself and brother,I thought as her legs kicked as I took life away from her.

"What the fuck?Jessica!" Daniel rushed to take the scarf from me. When it loosened,Camberley started coughing up blood like a dog she was and gasping for air. It served her right.

"You cannot kill her. We need her remember?" He reminded me as he cuffed her.

"Well,I don't!I can't stand her. You shouldn't have stopped me."I walked to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water.

"Well,fact remains, Jessica. You will die alone and miserable."I heard her say behind me and it took every ounce of maturity in me not to turn around and knock her teeth out.

Where did she get the gull to talk to me like that? I thought as I gulped down the water.

When I returned to the living room, no one was there and after a few minutes of trying to calm myself but dismally failing,Daniel came out from one of the rooms,looking like he had just reached his fatigue barrier.

"Tell me you've killed that dog," I said to him as he sat down next to me.

"Jessica, just calm down,okay. You will kill her,just not now,please. Don't be controlled by your emotions." He said.

"You should've heard what she said,"I told him.I knew her words would remain in my head for a very long time.

"I did,do you think it pleased me hearing that? If she wasn't a woman,I would've punched her."

"Well,you should've, she's a wolf and her strength is not of a normal woman but it's no big deal,I punched her."

"You did? Damn,Jessica. I saw the blood on her chin."

"Yes,I did that," I bragged.

"Give me your hand."he said.


"Just give it to me," I did.

I had to ignore the electricity when he took my hand in his and inspected my knuckles.

"Looks like you hurt yourself more than you did her,"he chuckled.

I couldn't look away when our eyes met. After what happened tonight,I had planned to avoid the eye contact at all costs but his eyes were like a drug and I couldn't resist diving into them,hoping to uncover all that he thought.

I shivered when memories of us kissing crept into my mind. I was dangerously all in and right now,I wanted to do nothing more than to kiss him,again. I could barely breathe with him sitting this close to me.

"It's cold in here,isn't it?"

"Yeah,"I replied,my eyes still glued to his lips.

"I'll turn the heat on." I used this time to gather what was left of my sanity. I was really going insane.

"Here," he offered me a mini blanket and I draped it over my body. It didn't smell like him like I had expected, what a disappointment.

"Is this your house?" I asked.

"Yes,"he replied,"I built it when I was seventeen,that's like three years back,"

"What made you decide to build it?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Marcussè has always been my refuge. Each time I pissed off Victor, I would run there but as I grew up,I realized it wasn't that much safe. Marcus' scent wouldn't stop him from killing me if he really wanted to someday when I did the unforgivable and that was to betray him like my dad did."

"Don't get me wrong,Jessica but when I found you there,I knew you would be my accomplice. You were Revenge thirsty and so was I. I wanted to pretend to be in love with you so he could get mad and well,try to kill me like he did to my father when he fell in love with a human,my mother."

I remembered the picture I saw in his room the other day and I couldn't but try to imagine how he must've felt.

"So,I figured I might need to lay low for some time as I stirred up trouble for him. Having Marcus as a neighbor had its pecks,I have been to every corner of his house and he doesn't know because I don't have odor. I would use the information I had gathered to cause a huge fight between them. That would be a nice distraction for me. He would eventually lose interest in me and I'd finally strike. He wouldn't see me coming."

"Sounds like a nice plan," I said.

"Coffee?"he asked me.

"Yeah,coffee would be nice,"I said before he disappeared to the kitchen.

He had done it. I started to think of the first time I slept next to him. The way I felt with his hands secured around me. I thought about all the times he made sure I fell for him. The way he always made me wanting more of him. He knew Victor was watching,even tonight when he kissed me. He wanted to piss off his uncle. I was so stupid to ever think he was any different. That he was really in love with me.

"I'm sorry I'm out of mil-" he couldn't finish his sentence because I had already closed my eyes,pretending to be asleep.

I felt him pull up the blanket to my chest. I could feel his eyes on me for a very long time before he finally walked away but not before planting a soft kiss on my forehead. He had gone a little overboard with this,hadn't he?


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