Chapter 47

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Alright it's time to deny the universe in every way possible. We've all watched anime or heck, we've watched any show and seen a thing called clichés. I'm just gonna give examples, I looked up every possible anime cliché ever written.

1. Nose bleeds, I don't really get those.

2. Jiggle Physics, that won't happen because they're all flat...

3. Guy accidentally touches girl's chest, that we may need to watch out for.

4. Girl falls on guy, pretty straight forward.

5. Guy catches girl, if this happens I'm gonna drop them.

I think five is okay because every thing else is basically the same. Now I just need to train myself not to fall into these certain tropes. 

Honestly the easiest thing is to just avoid all of them. Which was what I planned from the very beginning. I just wasn't gonna go to school.

Unfortunately, my mom kicked me out of the house. "You're going to school, also say hi to the girls for me." Exactly the opposite of what I wanted to do.

I headed off towards school, ducking through different alley ways avoiding as little attention as possible. But all it did was attract more attention to me. I ended up giving up, and just started walking normally. 

Okay let me just go through my list again, nose bleeds isn't something I really need to worry about. Jiggle Physics? Just don't look at their chest. Same for number three. Girl falls on guy, just side step them. Guy catches girl, don't even attempt to move towards them.

True this'll make me look like a jerk, am I a jerk? Maybe.

Someone smacked me on the back hard, really hard. 

"OW!" I winced in pain, it hurt more than it should've because of the weather. It was still about thirty degrees outside at the moment and not only did the smack cause pain, but the cold air made the pain hurt double.

I turned around to see who had assaulted me. Well if it wasn't You Watanabe, "Morning." she grinned innocently.

It was just the second years, I guess they were just going at different times today... 

"For once you're early..." Riko observed,

Chika shrugged, "It doesn't matter how early he gets, his grades won't change..." 

"Ow," I complained, "you might as well have slapped me." 

"Is that an invitation?" You raised an eyebrow.

"It is not." I confirmed as we arrived at school. 

I entering school I realized how much I actually hated it. Many people have a hard time coming back from break because they're not used to getting up this early. 

I was okay with getting up this early because I already woke up at this time thanks to the nine. Most days over break we did something stupidly early. But like most of my time with them, I didn't regret it.

I say most because I do regret them beating me... those days were not fun. And you want to know why I got beat? Because a freaking misunderstanding cliche! God I actually hate misunderstandings in anime because it would save a ton of time IF THEY JUST TOLD EACH OTHER THEY LIKED THE OTHER!!!

Because what ends up happening is Person A will end up convincing Person B, who they actually like, that they like Person C. And Person A will be convinced that Person B likes Person D! You see where I'm getting here? 

Thank god school won't bring any cliches. We didn't have a uniform so there wasn't the classic, "Accidentally seeing underwear because the wind lifted her skirt too high." Followed by another classic, "Girl sees guy staring at the wrong time and calls him a pervert then proceeds to beat the living hell out of him."

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