Kanan's Ending

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I think You and I tied for best friend. Out of all of the third years I probably was the closest to him. Well if you don't count constantly yelling at him, if you do then it was definitely Dia.

We were always pretty close, ever since that camping trip we took where I dunked him in the water. Everyday I want to kill him. But at the same time everyday I want to hug him.

Is that weird?

The kid was cute, not in the looks way, but the way acted. When we went figure skating the guy kept falling over no matter how hard he tried to stay up. 

Instead of helping him I just kind of stared at him. And I'm pretty sure at this time I thought, "If he was my boyfriend, I could do this all day."

As soon as I thought that I immediately hit myself. What the hell was I thinking?! He was basically my little brother! Well technically since we aren't blood related and we're not step-siblings. 

He's free to be dated.

That's pretty much where I fell for him. But like the tsundere that I am, I dismissed my feelings and decided to tease him. That's exactly why I videoed him "asking" You out to the dance.

Yeah true, I could've just taken him literally and let him take me. But what would that accomplish? He, after all, just sees me as his best friend. 

So I tried very hard to let my feelings go. I pretended to be mad at him, I hit him more often, I tried to piss him off so he'd yell at me.

He never did.

He'd just wince and pretended to be pissed off, but he was never really mad. He was basically daring me to hit him harder next time.

So when I did he'd say, "What the hell?!" and I'd just laugh.

When I caught him and You doing their cliché thing for school, I felt like this could be a way to let go of my feelings for him. 

But as you can tell, it didn't help.

Never in my mind did I think I would sabotage any of the other girls. I was way too focused on letting go of my feelings before I start throwing hands.

I just couldn't do it...

So when we left him, my heart broke. The last thing I could do was write him a letter. It hurt knowing that I was leaving him, but I also wanted him to be happy.

Hell I didn't even know if it was me he chose. But I told him to date other girls anyways. Everyday I asked myself "What if?" 

What if we didn't leave?

What if we stayed together until we became adults?

What if we had just another month?

At the end of the day our lives are surrounded by what ifs. Because life to us seems like a game of chance. A gacha game. And even though things in life happen for a reason to us waking up for a new day is a another chance for something to happen.

So what if we met again?

April 17th. A day I'll never forget. I received a confession, five years too late. There were tears in my eyes when I saw him pointing at me. This idiot, he kept coming no matter how many times I hit him.

When I hit him harder, he came back quicker. And no matter how much I tried to tick him off, he did things that made me not want to hurt him.


We've been dating for about five months now. And I've loved every minute of it. Ironically enough he took me to a skating rink center. 

"I've been practicing." he admitted which made me laugh.

"I'll go grab the ice." I teased.

"I don't need it, watch." he wasn't some sort of prodigy skater, but he was still good enough that he didn't fall over every two minutes. "I practiced for the day I'd meet you again."

"Why am I dating such a cliché person?" I sighed, "You don't need to do these things to impress me. You already impress me..."

"I do?"

"From how dumb you are." I finished smiling.

"Hey I tried my best!"

"I know you did," I hugged him, "You always try your best for me. Even though you're not the best at a certain thing you'll always be the best at one thing..."

"And what's that, being an idiot?"

"That too," I nodded, "But you'll always be the best at being my boyfriend."

"What if we get married?"

"Idiot!" I smacked him, "You weren't supposed to say that, now the moment is gone."

"What moment?"

"The moment of the tsundere that couldn't let her feelings go, making a cheesy ending."

"You mean-"

I shook my head, "Why the hell am I dating you?"

"Because I'm cute." 

"Boys aren't supposed to say that, but I'll admit you are."

"Love you Kanan."

"Love you too Shizuko."

Yes I have come back to life. I was killed and now I am alive again. 

I hope you guys didn't think I was dead this past week... Okay thanks for reading! I guess the next chapter is the one you've all been waiting for :)

Be safe! Mask up! Don't be stupid!


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